Regional integration

Our role in the regions


Fraunhofer ISI plays an active role and is well-connected in several regions. The institute is represented at two locations in Karlsruhe and influences the technology region of Karlsruhe and the state of Baden-Württemberg with its diverse projects. The Joint Innovation Hub has a working group in Heilbronn. Our institute’s location in Leipzig strengthens the research and science landscape in the region and in Saxony. The institute has a representative office in Berlin to enable a seamless exchange with clients and partners from politics.

Our activities on location

In Karlsruhe and Baden-Württemberg



Fraunhofer ISI was founded as the “Fraunhofer Institute for Systems Technology and Innovation Research” in Karlsruhe in 1972. More than 50 years later, the institute now has around 320 employees at two locations in Karlsruhe. The Joint Innovation Hub also has a working group in Heilbronn. Fraunhofer ISI’s clients from Baden-Württemberg include municipal and state offices as well as large companies.

In Leipzig and Saxony



As of January 1, 2025, Fraunhofer ISI incorporates a new location in Leipzig, which was previously part of the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW. The two departments “Knowledge and Technology Transfer” and “Regional Development and Innovation Policy” contribute to strengthening local innovation research and the transfer of knowledge and technology between science, business, and society, also in terms of regional transformation processes and innovation policy interventions.

In Karlsruhe and Baden-Württemberg

Artificial intelligence for work and learning in the Karlsruhe region

The use of AI is widely discussed in society. AI influences how we work and learn. KARL, one of eight regional competence centers, has been set up in Karlsruhe to explore the effects of AI on working and learning with and about AI.

KARL’s aim is to make these effects tangible. To do so, real places for experiencing, experimenting and learning are being created and interconnected. At the same time, pilot projects of companies, which are scientifically accompanied, serve as inspiration for interested parties. The results will be presented in demonstration centers, offered in specific further education courses for professionals and managers and integrated into the relevant study programs of the participating universities.

Human beings are the main focus of KARL. The objective is to initiate a broad societal discourse. The Karlsruhe region offers the best conditions for this as it is home to the national Digital Hub for Applied AI and the leading IT Cluster in Europe. As part of KARL, nine research or transfer partners and eleven regional companies will receive almost eight million euros in funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) by 2025.

Innovations in managing local crises

A joint research project between the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen, Fraunhofer ISI in Karlsruhe and the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl aims to conduct a scientific review of local administrative action in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. It examines the moderating effect of administrative action on societal cohesion during the Corona pandemic.

In particular, it looks at the empirical variance of public administration crisis management and analyzes the social impact. The project aims to generate, discuss with stakeholders and disseminate evidence-based knowledge on local administrative action during the Corona pandemic as well as practice-relevant knowledge to improve efficiency and resilience in crisis situations.

An affectedness study shows how certain population groups were affected by the Corona pandemic. The impact study explores in which regions and for which groups of the population administrative action made negative social effects worse and where innovative administrative action was able to counteract and mitigate these. The mapping study includes an inventory of crisis management in all German districts and independent cities. Detailed in-depth case studies trace the innovation processes of selected municipalities. A transfer project disseminates the knowledge gained. It helps those in administration to promote social resilience in the future and protect social cohesion through favorable crisis management.

Future of value creation in Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg’s State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism wants to continue developing the innovation strategy for this federal state in the coming years. The position paper compiled in the project “Zukunft der Wertschöpfung Baden-Württemberg “ (Future Value Creation in Baden-Württemberg) provides the basis for further developing this innovation strategy

In this position paper, Fraunhofer ISI developed five future visions for the state’s specific requirements in the areas of “Mobility & transport”, “Health & nutrition”, “Material & resources”, “Tools & robotics”, “Cyber & Services”. Four fields of action were derived from this in two steps, which are intended to serve as guidelines on how to move toward the above-mentioned future visions.

The paper derives impulses from the results for further developing the content and structure of the innovation ecosystem in Baden-Württemberg and indicates where to start institutionalizing the strategic foresight process for innovation actors from politics and business. An institutionalized foresight process is intended to review, adjust and realign the innovation ecosystem in a continuous process

In Leipzig and Saxony

Structural change in Saxony’s lignite mining districts

GENESIS Gestaltung neuer Entwicklungspfade im Strukturwandel in Sachsen

The GENESIS research project of Fraunhofer ISI’s Leipzig location supports structural change in Saxony’s lignite mining districts. In close cooperation with the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development, a data-based twin of Lusatia and Central Germany is being created in the project, which is funded by the German government.

The digital tool is intended to support structural change in the lignite mining districts, provide evidence-based approaches for phasing out coal and create transparency about the developments in Lusatia and Central Germany. The interdisciplinary project team combine statistical data on the regions with information about economic, innovation-relevant and social activities. The aim is to identify new development paths, evaluate political measures and measure the effects of Saxony’s promotion of structural change. The project also serves to connect decision-makers, initiatives and projects to try out new development paths in the regions. An online platform will inform interested citizens about the state of regional transformation, funded projects, future issues, and ways to participate in Lusatia and Central Germany.

The project “Gestaltung neuer Entwicklungspfade im Strukturwandel in Sachsen” (GENESIS) (Design of New Development Paths in Structural Change in Saxony) is being funded as part of the German federal government’s STARK program.

Future-proof value creation using AI-supported foresight

Handbuch Kreislauffähige Wertschöpfung

Our value creation systems are global and highly complex. Dynamic changes provide great opportunities but harbor considerable risks. To make value creation models more resilient, it is crucial to recognize hidden developments in good time. This puts entrepreneurs, researchers and decision-makers in a position to respond proactively to an uncertain future. In the “Value creation radar” joint project, researchers at the institute’s Leipzig location develop methods and tools for data-supported and expert-led foresight. The semi-automated and AI-supported “radar” is designed to identify weak signals, trends and topics that are highly relevant for the future and that will influence developments in technologies, processes and concepts of value creation. Among other things, it draws on expert knowledge from production engineering, service and labor research.

The insights of the project are used as input for a multi-dimensional value creation model. In addition, the project team in Leipzig pools research knowledge in several network symposia and the open access handbook series “Perspektiven zur Zukunft der Wertschöpfung” (Perspectives on the Future of Value Creation). 

Crowd Innovation: Shaping the Future Together

Crowd Innovation Plattform

The Crowd Innovation Platform of Fraunhofer ISI in Leipzig brings together companies, research organization, public institutions and interested citizens. In ideas competitions, so-called Crowd Innovation Challenges, the initiators of a research project receive early market feedback on their technologies or product ideas and have the opportunity to connect with potential customers, investors or partners. The swarm intelligence of the “crowd” also helps to identify new applications for an innovation, validate business models or enable start-up financing for the next project step.

What began as a pilot has since evolved into a permanent contact point with more than 700 active users. Each new ideas competition not only helps to develop the platform further, but also to expand a vibrant community. The research team offers support in designing the challenges, for example for innovative project initiatives from the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. In addition, the researchers analyze the effect of the competitions on the projects and stakeholders involved. The aim is to provide a modern, participatory tool for knowledge and technology transfer and make it easier to commercialize promising technologies and product ideas from research.

Regional collaborations and memberships

Fraunhofer ISI is represented in the following initiatives and organizations or participates in the following events:

Karlsruhe and Baden-Württemberg

Karlsruhe Forum for Culture, Law and Technology

Forum for the social discourse on the future of our society

Innovation alliance for the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion

(Innovationsallianz für die Technologieregion Karlsruhe), Network of research organizations and the IHK Karlsruhe (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Karlsruhe)

Steering committee of the initiative

An initiative for actors from science, business, culture and administration

Strategy Dialogue for the Automotive Industry in BW

Dialogue between industry, academia and civil society on future mobility

kamo: Karlsruhe Mobility

Central point of contact in Karlsruhe for innovative mobility solutions for trans-regional and international players in industry, politics and civil society

Technology committee of the CCI Karlsruhe

(Technologieausschuss der IHK Karlsruhe), Committee with managers from companies and research institutions in the region

Selection Committee for the State Research Prize

Award for outstanding achievements in basic and applied research

Focus: Future. Our lives in 2050

Together with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, we regularly host lectures and discussions on the topic “Focus: Future. Our lives in 2050”

EFFEKTE science festival

Immerse yourself in Karlsruhe’s huge science cosmos - every two years at the EFFEKTE science festival. 

KIT Science Week

Have your say, take part, join in the research: One week for those thirsty for knowledge

Leipzig and Saxony

ACOD - Automotive Cluster Deutschland e.V.

ACOD is a network for companies, research institutes, associations and institutions from the automotive sector in East Germany

European Metropolitan Region of Central Germany

The supra-regional network of business, politics and civil society for sustainable development in Central Germany

FGF Förderkreis Gründungs-Forschung e.V.

The leading scientific association for entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs in the German-speaking world

Research network C³ - Carbon Concrete Composite

(Forschungsnetzwerk C³ - Carbon Concrete Composite e.V.) The C³ association brings together companies, research institutions, organizations and associations

“Together for Leipzig” association

(Gemeinsam für Leipzig e.V.) The association “Together for Leipzig” is a network for SMEs in the region

Cultural Heritage Research Alliance

A joint initiative of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the Leibniz Association and the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation

Fraunhofer Science, Art and Design Network

This Fraunhofer network brings together researchers, artists and designers in projects

Leipzig Science Network

The network of Leipzig’s research institutions

Industrial Association Saxony

(Industrieclub Sachsen e.V.) Network for companies, politics and research institutions in Saxony 

Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft

Network of businesses, foundations, research institutions and private individuals for the science and education system in Germany