
Innovations in local crisis management

The moderating effect of administrative action on social cohesion in the Corona pandemic

The InnoLoK project is a joint research project between Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen, Fraunhofer ISI in Karlsruhe and Kehl University of Applied Sciences.

The project aims to conduct a scientific review of local administrative action in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, it examines the empirical variance of public administration crisis management and analyses its social impact.

The following key findings will be developed as part of the project:

Affectedness study: The affectedness study shows how certain population groups were affected by the Corona pandemic.

Impact study: The impact study examines in which regions and for which population groups administrative action intensified negative societal effects and where innovative administrative behaviour was able to counteract and mitigate them.

Mapping study: The mapping study includes an inventory of crisis management in all German districts and independent cities.

In-depth studies: Detailed in-depth case studies trace the innovation processes of selected municipalities.

Transfer: The transfer project communicates the knowledge gained. It supports administrative actors in promoting social resilience in the future and protecting social cohesion through favourable crisis management.

The Fraunhofer ISI team will conduct three qualitative in-depth studies on (1) digital innovations in health offices, (2) digital innovations in crisis communication and (3) the use of digital innovations to involve civil society in crisis management.

In addition, the ISI team – together with Kehl University of Applied Sciences - is responsible for organising and conducting events to transfer the results achieved.

Sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), supported by the Project Management Agency DLR

Grant number: 01DH20028A




Zeppelin-Universität Friedrichshafen (co-oordinator)

Hochschule Kehl
