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  • Jaeger-Erben, M.; Wagner, A.; Bastian, M.; Bolln, S.; Dütschke, E.; Eiden, B.; Gierds, J.; Grobler, F.; Großmann, K.; Hirschl, B.; Holm, A.; Menges, R.; Messerschmidt, B.; Reusswig, F.; Schumacher, J.; Streblow, R.; Weismann, B. (2025): Die sozial-ökologische Energiewende im Gebäudebereich. Worst Performing Buildings, soziale Nachhaltigkeit und Datenbasis. Schriftenreihe Energiesysteme der Zukunft (ESYS),
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  • Faure, C.; Schleich, J. (2025): Leading by example: spillover effects of municipal climate protection leadership on citizens’ climate protection activities. In: Climate Policy, pp. 1–14.
  • Alsheimer, S.; Dütschke, E.; Schleich, J. (2025): Factors enabling or impeding the institutionalization of climate change mitigation in municipalities: findings from a survey in Germany. In: Climate Policy, pp. 1–15.
  • Wesche, J. P.; Dütschke, E.; Negro, S. O.; Hekkert, M. P. (2025): Coalitions, coordination, and contestation: a systematic review of the advocacy coalition framework and its implications for sustainability transitions research. In: Frontiers in Political Science, 6, Article No. 1497731.
  • Gauer, Viviane H.; Axsen, Jonn; Long, Zoe; Dütschke, Elisabeth (2025): The association between automobility engagement and electric vehicle preferences among car buyers. In: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 140, S. 104596.
  • Kong, L.; Chen, L.; Eichhammer, W. (2025): Assessing energy use, carbon emissions and its driving factors for the pulp and paper industry in China. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 491, p. 144832.
  • Dütschke, E.; Upham, P. J.; Scherrer, A. (2024): Behaviour and the individual in sustainability transitions. Wesche, J.; Hendriks, A. (Hrsg.) Sustainability Transitions Book. Cambridge University Press.
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  • Gnann, T.; Yu, S.; Stute, J.; Kühnbach, M. (2025): The value of smart charging at home and its impact on EV market shares – A German case study. In: Applied Energy, 380, p. 124997.
  • Scherrer, A.; Rogge, K. S. (2025): When do incumbents adopt radical net-zero technologies? Analysing differences in strategy trajectories of European truck manufacturers towards alternative vehicle technologies. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 211, 123872.
  • Luderer, C.; Sensfuß, F. (2024): Modellgestützte Systemanalyse zur potentiellen Rolle von Grundlastkraftwerken im Rahmen eines dekarbonisierten europäischen Energiesystems. Projektbericht erstellt im Auftrag der acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI.
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  • Müller, Viktor Paul; Besler, Malte; van Vuuren, Detlef; Eichhammer, Wolfgang (2024): Can green hydrogen drive economic transformation in Saudi Arabia? - An input-output analysis of different Power-to-X configurations. In: Energy Conversion and Management: X, Vol. 24, 100798.