Artificial Intelligence

Increasingly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making our lives easier, but it is also changing and “controlling” them. Fraunhofer ISI analyzes the development and implementation of AI from an innovation perspective. This is characterized by a systemic approach that considers technical, economic, political and social aspects, and identifies both potentials and critical effects.

Independent, unconventional thinking and neutrality make our work stand out. Both AI enthusiasts and AI skeptics are given the chance to be heard. This does not concern abstract discourses, but concrete problem solving and the specific contributions of AI to social transformation processes.


The AI group at Fraunhofer ISI is made up of experts from all the departments at the institute and is currently working on the following questions:

How are innovation processes changing due to AI?

How well positioned is Germany in AI research?

How can trustworthy AI be implemented?

How is AI changing the healthcare sector?

How does AI contribute to an efficient energy transition?

How do companies benefit from AI?

What role does AI play in Smart Cities and Smart Villages?

What impacts does AI have on the environment?

Beyond AI: What comes after machine learning?