Data Science

ISDEC is the “Innovation Systems Data – Excellence Center“ at Fraunhofer ISI. It enhances the core competences of Fraunhofer ISI that lie in the evidence-based strategic consulting of a large number of actors from politics, economy and society using a wide range of data. These include, on the one hand, typical innovation indicators such as patents or publications, economic and trade data. In addition, company-specific data on the implementation of strategies and R&D measures as well as on innovation behavior and production processes are collected in surveys by the institute itself or together with partners. Model-based systems analysis is another established data and methodological focus, in which transformation pathways can be developed that are then used as a basis for policy recommendations and strategy development. For this purpose, Fraunhofer ISI has a comprehensive set of model instruments and an associated database, which are used for various research projects at the institute.  


ISDEC aims to extend and merge the existing data and methodological competences of Fraunhofer ISI with new approaches in order to further strengthen the institute's evidence-based policy advice. The existing methodological competences and access to data are to be further developed with the planned project in order to systematically enable the integration and use of additional, especially unstructured, data. The goal is to expand the existing competences in the area of structured data by big data analytics skills in order to make unstructured data available for analyses in all the application fields of the institute. To this end, all the departments are working together to strengthen their capabilities for the analysis of innovation systems. The project is led by a core team focusing on an evolving set of projects centered around ISDEC.  

Projects centred around ISDEC

SIPER: Developing models for automated coding of STI evaluation studies

Data-driven assessment of energy start-ups and their role for energy innovations


Demand oriented innovation indicators: Evidence-informed policy making

Identification of early signals on social trends by web scraping and text analytics

Data-Driven Approach for User Behavior Forecast and Visualization

Characterization of the German metalworking industry using data mining methods

Diffusion of energy technology innovations – evaluation of data sources