Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI



Battery Update / 25.6.2024

The European Battery Business Club: Educating and connecting the growing European battery sector

The European Battery Business Club (EBBC) provides up-to-date battery knowledge combined with industry insights through asynchronous online training.

Press Release / 20.6.2024

Zero-emission trucks: Declining costs imply fast market diffusion

A new Fraunhofer ISI study analysed future cost developments for price-setting components of zero-emission trucks from more than 200 sources. The study findings show that zero-emission trucks will benefit from rapidly falling costs of batteries and fuel cells, which will enable their fast market diffusion and help to achieve national and international climate policy targets.

Press Release / 18.6.2024

A new study discusses the opportunities and risks of deepfakes for politics, business and society

In a new study conducted by Fraunhofer ISI on behalf of TA-SWISS, researchers look at the issue of "deepfakes". The first step was to analyze the current state of technology and research with regard to deepfakes and examine how they are perceived by the Swiss population. In addition, the study analyzed their potential impact on journalism, law, politics and business and drew up recommendations for action in these areas.

Publications / 20.6.2024

Fraunhofer ISI's Annual Report 2023 published

Fraunhofer ISI has published its Annual Report 2023. In the interactive online publication, the institute looks back on outstanding moments and projects from the past year, presents facts & figures and provides information personnel and organizational changes.

Blog article / 28.5.2024

New type of assessment: Proportion of people travelling by bike in Germany could increase significantly

On behalf of the ADFC, Fraunhofer ISI carried out a new type of assessment of the potential for cycling in Germany. One of the results is that additional political measures could increase the share of cycling to an average of 45 percent. In our blog, the researchers explain the methodology behind the study.

Press Release / 23.5.2024

Diversity is key to successful research and innovation

Gender, age, ethnicity, culture background, income, sexual orientation, interests, abilities and educational achievements. Diversity has numerous and often overlapping dimensions. Recent innovation research looks at the various aspects, which should be taken into account during and even before the development of an innovation. Fraunhofer ISI not only carries out research in heterogeneous teams, but also makes diversity itself the focus of investigation. Diversity is a topic that should be scrutinized across all research topics and processes.

Our Institute / 15.5.2024

Fraunhofer ISI is now also represented in Berlin

Fraunhofer ISI opened a new representative office in Berlin on May 15, 2024.  Several offices and a conference room for meetings and events are now available to Fraunhofer ISI staff on the premises of Fraunhofer HHI in Salzufer 6.

Fraunhofer ISI conducts research on behalf of business, politics and science and develops recommendations for action for important decisions. The new presence in Berlin means that researchers are closer to and can engage in more intensive interaction with many political clients.

Press Release / 23.4.2024

Freedom of information: to what extent are public archives accessible?

In 2000, the Council of Europe issued a Recommendation aimed at improving access to archives in the member states. Together with the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA Archivum) in Budapest, Fraunhofer ISI evaluated how these recommendations have been implemented and how accessible the archives are more than 20 years on. The researchers also investigated the technological, legal and political challenges facing freedom of information.

Press Release / 19.4.2024

Restructuring at Fraunhofer location in Leipzig: Fraunhofer ISI to integrate departments from Fraunhofer IMW

In an effort to further develop the portfolio of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in both subject-specific and commercial terms, particularly with an eye to innovation research, the executive board of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has adopted a package of measures relating to the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW. As a result, parts of Fraunhofer IMW, which will then no longer have independent status, will be integrated into the Fraunhofer ISI. This means the Leipzig location will continue to operate from a stronger long-term position.


The scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI annually publish more than 200 publications including research reports, books, working papers and scientific articles which together cover the broad spectrum of ISI's research. Every month, the latest Fraunhofer ISI specialist publications will be updated in an institute-wide list.