Fraunhofer Family Logo

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has awarded the Fraunhofer FamilyLogo to Fraunhofer ISI.

The Fraunhofer FamilyLogo is an award of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for outstanding framework conditions for the compatibility of work and private life at the institute.

Various topics are evaluated for the Fraunhofer FamilyLogo:

  • Information and communication on work-life balance at the institute
  • Flexible working options and their design
  • Institute-specific childcare services
  • Organizing parental leave and returning to work after parental leave
  • Use of the Fraunhofer support services

Benefits for people with children and relatives in need of care

Is your family your main focus? We understand that! We offer you comprehensive opportunities to combine career and family.

Flexible working hours

A traditional 9-to-5 job is often difficult for parents or people with relatives in need of care. We offer flexitime, overtime reduction, part-time work and the option of working from home.

Returning to work

To ensure that you do not lose contact with us during your parental leave, we will be happy to invite you to team and institute events. When the end of your parental leave approaches, discuss with your manager how your return to work can be organized.

Daycare centers

We have reserved childcare places in various professional facilities in the Karlsruhe area for our employees' children aged between six months and six years.

With a child in the office

At Fraunhofer ISI, you can use our breastfeeding and changing room if necessary or take the mobile office for children into your own office. This contains toys, a crib and a changing table, among other things.

Emergency and vacation care

In the event of a childcare emergency, we provide you with comprehensive support in organizing care for children and relatives in need of care with the help of an external partner. This also includes offers for vacation care.

Professional absences

During business trips and training courses, it is often necessary to make use of additional care for children or relatives. Any costs incurred can be reimbursed by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft within the specified limits.