
Establishment and operation of the Competence Center NRW.innovativ

As central interface for fostering networking activities within the innovation landscape in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Competence Center NRW.innovativ acts as a catalyst for North Rhine-Westphalia's innovation potentials. Main activities of NRW.innovativ are the creation of target-oriented and efficient connections of innovating and innovation-supporting actors, the strengthening and support of the existing actors and activities, the promotion of knowledge transfer processes as well as the future-oriented support of new synergies. New trends in innovation policy are continuously monitored and discussed in various forms and events. Different exchange formats and a digital platform contribute to communication, exchange and networking.

The Competence Centre NRW.innovativ is the central interface for boosting network activities in the innovation landscape in North Rhine-Westphalia. The objective of the Competence Centre in collaboration with business, science, policy and society is to strengthen the innovation performance of North Rhine-Westphalia with new and forward-looking approaches.

The following activities of the competence centre contribute to this goal:

  • Efficient networking of important actors, e.g. via events, impulses to interested actors, etc.
  • Strengthening the regions of North Rhine-Westphalia, e.g. through interregional exchange of experience
  • Transfer of knowledge from research to implementation, e.g. through analysing knowledge and technology needs and availabilities and developing suitable transfer formats
  • Europe-wide networking of North Rhine-Westphalian actors, especially with European funding and networking opportunities
  • Analysing innovation policy trends at federal and international level and evaluation in the specific context of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Supporting existing clusters and networks, e.g. by identifying starting points for synergies
  • Developing excellence projects with North Rhine-Westphalian actors
  • Cooperating with innovative companies in future forums and development of innovation strategies
  • Developing a digital innovation platform to bundle innovation activities and network the diverse innovation actors in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Important methodological approaches are discussions with stakeholders, expert interviews, document analyses, the organization and implementation of various networking events, the analysis of data and information, and the conception of future-oriented recommendations.

The above-mentioned different approaches are intended to strengthen interactions between innovating actors and innovation-supporting structures and to provide a holistic support for the innovation activities in North Rhine-Westphalia. More precisely:

  • Structured preparation of data and information for the digital innovation platform
  • Preparation of concepts and strategy papers
  • Systematic monitoring and analysis of innovation policy trends
  • Group-specific support of knowledge and technology transfer stakeholders in North Rhine-Westphalia (needs-oriented preparation of individual topics/issues)
  • Strategic contributions to the further development of innovation promotion in NRW in connection with the above-mentioned trends.




IMP³ROVE European Innovation Management Academy EWIV, Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen


Prognos AG, European Association of Development Agencies EURADA, giftGRÜN GmbH, A.T. Kearney GmbH
