Dr. Simon Hirzel


Simon Hirzel is project manager and researcher at Fraunhofer ISI. He has been working there since 2008 at the business unit Energy Efficiency of the Department of Energy Technologies and Energy Systems. Since 2020, he has also been active as Fraunhofer research manager.

His focus is on energy efficiency in industry and trade and on the energy performance of products. In particular, he is working on qualitative and quantitative evaluation of technologies for improving energy efficiency, on barriers and success factors for their application and on the design and evaluation of efficiency-related policy measures.

Before joining Fraunhofer ISI, Simon Hirzel studied business engineering and management, specialising in process and environmental technology at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. Parallel to his work at Fraunhofer ISI, he received his doctorate at RWTH Aachen University. In his doctoral thesis he dealt with the "Analysis and Evaluation of Industrial Energy Efficiency Measures" (Chair of Operations Management, Prof. Walther).