Evaluation of the "Federal Funding Scheme for Energy Efficiency in the Economy"
The project evaluates the two funding guidelines "Federal Funding Scheme for Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Economy" - grant and loan and the funding competition. The program provide funding in the six modules: 1 - energy-efficient cross-cutting technologies, 2 - process heat from renewable energies, 3 - sensors and control equipment including energy management software, 4 - energy and resource optimizations of plants and processes, 5 - transformation plans and 6 - electrification in small enterprises.
The program is partly designed technology-open in order to facilitate and simplify investments in more complex energy and resource efficiency measures. To meet the different financing requirements of the companies, the entire program offers the possibility of funding through a direct investment grant as well as a low-interest loan with a repayment subsidy. To meet the diverse needs of applicants, a funding competition is also offered for module 4.
The aim of the project is to evaluate the target achievement, the impact and the economic efficiency and to analyse the funding options on a comparative basis.