Regional Innovation Strategy TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe 2030
The “Regional Innovation Strategy TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe 2030” provides the foundation for forward-looking, goal-oriented and efficient cooperation between the TRK GmbH, its shareholders and other stakeholders. This actively involved the TRK management, the supervisory board and all the shareholders. The main goals of the strategy development process were: 1. Joint development of desirable (and possible) future visions for the TRK, 2. Deriving strategic objectives and the related roadmap, 3. Creating a development plan for the TRK that features an integrated monitoring system, 4. Successfully integrating all groups of society into the TRK GmbH for the region's strategic development.
With regard to the goals of the innovation strategy, Artificial Intelligence will play an especially important role in the TRK in the future. Based on the technological competences of regional research in both the public (primarily AIT and Fraunhofer) and private sector, the region has extensive potentials at its disposal, which will change the regional innovation system significantly in the coming years.