
Study on knowledge and technology transfer in the Free State of Saxony

Saxony's economy and society as a whole are facing the challenge of dynamic transformation processes. It is not only important to adapt to the changing framework conditions in order to secure economic success, resilience and prosperity for the future, but also to survive in the global competition for future-proof, digital and sustainable solutions and ideas. To meet these challenges, companies need to constantly update and renew their innovation-relevant knowledge. Practical experience shows that, by international standards, too few research results find their way into commercial exploitation.

Against the background of the unused potential in the transfer between science and industry, an expert report is being prepared on behalf of the State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport (SMWA), which will systematically identify the actors in Saxony's transfer activities, classify them into institutional categories according to established models, evaluate the respective categories in terms of their performance and thus determine the unused exploitation potential in order to derive specific needs for action.

The aim of the study is to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) system in Saxony. As a result of the analysis, conclusions will be drawn on how to make the transfer even more effective and efficient. This includes the identification of fields of action and potentials as well as the development of concrete recommendations for action to strengthen and sustainably develop knowledge and technology transfer in the Free State of Saxony. The small-scale nature of the Saxon economy and the specific needs of SMEs will be taken into account, so that SMEs in the Free State of Saxony in particular will benefit from the results. The results of this study will form the basis of the transfer strategy of the Free State of Saxony, which will be developed as a follow-up to the project.

  • Literature and desk research: Derivation of typical KTT systems and a specific KTT model for Saxony
  • Online survey: Survey of companies and research institutions
  • Qualitative expert interviews: semi-structured and guideline-based
  • Indicators: analyses of patent, publication and start-up activities in
  • Benchmarking: International case studies on best practices




Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport


  • ZEW
  • HZDR Innovation GmbH