
EFI Quantum Technologies - Priority Study "Quantum Technologies and Quantum Eco-systems" for the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation

The aim of the project is to demonstrate the innovation potential of quantum technologies for key fields of application in industry and society and at the same time to identify the associated opportunities, risks and challenges for German R&I policy.


The disruptive innovation potential of quantum technologies, both individually and in combination with other technologies, is currently the subject of intense debate. The international race to determine which organisations, networks and/or ecosystems will take a leading position in science and industrial implementation has long since begun. Companies and the public sector are investing heavily in quantum technologies worldwide, as technological development and industrial implementation are still in their infancy despite the expected innovation potential.



Using qualitative analysis methods, (i) the current status, potential and challenges in individual fields of technology are to be analysed and presented. Quantitative analyses should (ii) provide insights into research, development and innovation activities in an international comparison and assess the position of Germany and Europe in terms of technological performance. On the basis of an inventory and an international comparison of current and planned R&I policy activities and measures in relevant countries/regions, (iii) experiences in other countries will be reflected upon and their transferability to Germany evaluated. Recommendations for action for German R&I policy will be derived from this.



10/2023 – 12/2024


Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation

Project Team Fraunhofer ISI


Fraunhofer-Zentrum für Internationales Management und Wissensökonomie IMW