
FOX (Food processing in a box)

The FOX (Food processing in a box) project aimed to develop innovative types of small-scale processing systems suitable for mobile or flexible units for fruit and vegetable producers and small and medium-sized enterprises of the first processing stage. The research primarily focused on small-scale technologies designed to produce high-quality products with significant nutritional value in response to consumer needs. Consequently, the FOX approach emphasized mild and minimal processing while considering the entire food value chain.

FOX was a unique collaboration between universities, research institutions, small to medium enterprises, industries and associations. It received financial support of 7 million Euro from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program.

The Department of Foresight was responsible for WP5 “Business models and foresight“ and identified and analyzed trends that influenced the food innovation system in the future. It also conducted a foresight process  to develop scenarios for the framework conditions of the food innovation system and created specific future scenarios for different regions selected as test regions. This process enabled discussions on robust business strategies that demonstrated successful business models across different visions of the future.


06/2019 – 11/2023


European Commission, Research Executive Agency, Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges, Sustainable resources for food security and growth


  • Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik
  • Stichting Wageningen  Research
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Fraunhofer ISI
  • Aarhus Universitet
  • Ainia
  • Vyzkumny Ustav Potravinarsky Praha
  • Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego
  • Institut Za Nutricioniste Ko Ljubljana
  • Stichting EFFoST
  • Elea Vertriebs- und Vermarktungsgesellschaft mbH
  • European Food Information Council
  • Centre Technique De La Conservation Des Produits Agricoles*CTCPA
  • Kompetenzzentrum Obstbau-Bodensee
  • Stichting Food Tech Park Brainport
  • Falkenstein Projektmanagement GmbH
  • Linpac Packaging Pravia, S.A.
  • Terra I Xufa Sociedad Limitada
  • Ochsen, Tomáš Ignác Fénix
  • Agrární komora České republiky
  • Cedrus spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa
  • Společnost mladých agrárníků České republiky, z. s.
  • Sady Tuchoraz spol.s.r.o.
  • vanRijsingeningredients B.V.
  • Hutten Catering B.V.