Industry is responsible for roughly 23% of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany. 70% of the industrial energy needs are caused by the energy-intensive branches of industry, for example steel, cement or basic chemistry.
Although there is a broad consensus regarding the target of (almost) CO2 neutral industrial production by 2050, however, not regarding the sector specific technology paths as well as the political framework conditions and instruments. Examples of decarbonization strategies are the electrification of process heat, the switch to hydrogen or green gas, the increased use of biomass, the market introduction of processes with reduced CO2, the circulation of CO2, increasing carbon the expansion of the circular economy as well as more efficient use of materials.
Fraunhofer ISI investigates the development of CO2 neutral production processes in the industrial sector as well as the influence of concrete instruments on the daily routine of politics and companies. In order to analyze the demand for industrial energy Fraunhofer ISI employs a model with a very high degree of technological detail, which simulates the influence of political instruments and technical change and calculates the impact on the use of energy, CO2 emissions, costs and investments in the sectors.