No. S 05/2024
Nugroho, R. I.; Gnann, T.; Speth, D.; Purwanto, W. W.; Hanafi, J.; Soehodho, S. (2024):
Agent-based Simulation for Market Diffusion of Passenger Cars and Motorcycles BEV in Greater Jakarta Area
Depok, Jakarta, Karlsruhe 2024.
No. S 02/2024
Breitschopf, B.; Lotz, M. T.; Marscheider-Weidemann, F. (2024):
Price pass-through of CO2 costs.
Karlsruhe 2024
No. S 01/2024
Preuß, S.; Kunze, R.; Scherrer, A.; Zwirnmann, J.; Rommel, A. (2024):
Is the share of renewable electricity in vehicle charging still above the grid mix in Europe?
Karlsruhe 2024
No. S 07/2023
Wilhelm, M.; Aydemir, A.; Rohde, C.
German banks on the way to climate neutrality? A review of the situation.
Karlsruhe 2023
No. S 06/2023
Breitschopf, B.; Büttner, I.; Burghard, U.
Preferred design elements of the energy transition - from the perspective of households
Karlsruhe 2023
No. S 05/2023
Breitschopf, B.; Burghard, U.
Energy transition: financial participation and preferred design elements of German citizens
Karlsruhe 2023
No. S 04/2023
Auer, J.; Link, S.; Plötz, P.
Public charging locations for battery electric trucks: A GIS-based statistical analysis using real-world truck stop data for Germany
Karlsruhe 2023
No. S 03/2023
Dönitz, E.; Breitschopf, B.; Burghard, U.
Scenarios of a desirable and fair energy transition
Karlsruhe 2023
No. 02/2023
Plötz, P.; Wachsmuth, J.; Sprei, F.; Gnann, T.; Speth, D.; Neuner, F.; Link, F.
Greenhouse Gas Emission Budgets and Policies for Zero-Carbon Road Transport in Europe
Karlsruhe 2023
No. S 01/2023
Shoman, W.; Yeh, S.; Sprei, F.; Plötz, P.; Speth, D.
Public charging requirements for battery electric long-haul trucks in Europe: a trip chain approach.
Karlsruhe 2023
No. S 12/2022
Ordonez, J.; Fink, F.; Anatolitis, V.; Eichhammer, W.
Solar electricity for sustainable development: Cost determinants in the Global South
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 11/2022
Fritz, M.; Werner, D.
Industrial excess heat and residential heating - Potentials and costs based on different heat transport technologies
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 10/2022
Schleich, J.; Alsheimer, S.
How much are individuals willing to pay to offset their carbon footprint? The role of information disclosure and social norms
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 09/2022
Kuschan, M.; Burghard, U.; Groneweg, K.; Strebel, A.
Is the German energy transition perceived as gender- and socially-just?
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 08/2022
Kaufmann, T.; Schiller, K.; Widdel, L.
Towards successful bottom-up transitions: Conceptualizing transformative capacities of individuals in social innovations
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 07/2022
Rostek, L.; Lotz, M. T.; Wittig, S.; Herbst, A.; Loibl, A.; Tercero Espinoza, L.
A dynamic material flow model for the European steel cycle
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 06/2022
Wietschel, M.; Dütschke, E.; Eichhammer, W.; Ragwitz, M.; Spillmann, T.; Steinbach, J.
Impulspapier: Kurzfristige Strategien zur Erschließung von Einsparpotenzialen für Erdgas im Gebäudesektor zur Sicherung der Energieversorgung im Kontext der russischen Invasion in die Ukraine
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 05/2022
Gnann, T.; Speth, D.; Plötz, P.; Wietschel, M.; Krail, M.
Markthochlaufszenarien für Elektrofahrzeuge - Rückblick und Ausblick bis 2030
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 04/2022
Mascherbauer, P.; Kranzl, L.; Yu, S.; Haupt, T.
Investigating the Impact of Smart Energy Management System on the Residential Electricity Consumption in Austria
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 03/2022
Breitschopf, B.; Köhler, J.; Wydra, S.; Grimm, A.; Billerbeck, A.
Understanding inter-system interactions and their impacts
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 02/2022
Wietschel, M.; Preuß, S.; Kunze, R.; Keller, M.
Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen in Deutschland mit Ökostromverträgen
Karlsruhe 2022, aktualisierte Version von 2024
No. S 01/2022
Frank, F.; Gnann, T.
Alternative Antriebe im Schienenverkehr
Karlsruhe 2022
No. S 11/2021
Preuß, S.; Kunze, R.; Zwirnmann, J.; Meier, J.; Plötz, P.; Wietschel, M.
The share of renewable electricity in electric vehicle charging in Europe is higher than grid mix
Karlsruhe 2021, updated version from 2024.
No. S 10/2021
Chlechowitz, M.; Reuter, M.; Eichhammer, W.
An Indicator based Approach to the Energy Efficiency First Principle
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 09/2021
Fanghella, V.; Faure, C.; Guetlein, M.-C.; Schleich, J.
What's in it for me? Self-interest and preferences for distribution of costs and benefits of energy efficiency policies
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 08/2021
Herbst, A.; Fleiter, T.; Neuwirth, M.; Rehfeldt, M.; Wachsmuth, J.
Options for achieving a close-to climate- neutral EU industry and their implications
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 07/2021
Schleich, J.; Schuler, J.; Pfaff, M.; Frank, R.
Renewable rebound: Empirical evidence from household electricity tariff switching
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 06/2021
Shammugam, S.; Schleich, J.; Schlomann, B.; Montrone, L.
Did Germany reach its 2020 climate targets thanks to COVID-19?
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 05/2021
Cao Van, T.L.; Barthelmes, L.; Gnann, T.; Speth, D.; Kagerbauer, M.
Addressing the gaps in market diffusion modeling of electrical vehicles – A case study from Germany for the integration of environmental policy measures
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 04/2021
Burghard, U.; Breitschopf, B.; Wolfarth, K.; Müller, F.; Keil, J.
Perception of monetary and non-monetary effects on the energy transition – results of a mixed method approach
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 03/2021
Edler, J.; Köhler, J.; Wydra, S.; Salas-Gironés, E.; Schiller, K.; Braun, A.
Dimensions of systems and transformations: Towards an integrated framework for system transformations
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 02/2021
Sauter, V.; Speth, D.; Plötz, P.; Signer, T.
A charging infrastructure network for battery electric trucks in Europe
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 01/2021
Fleiter, T.; Lotz, M. Th.; Arens, M.; Schlomann, B.
An overview of implemented and planned policy instruments to decarbonize basic material industries in Germany
Karlsruhe 2021
No. S 20/2020
Tu, G.; Faure, C.; Schleich, J.; Guetlein, M.-C.
The heat is off! The role of technology attributes and individual attitudes in the diffusion of Smart thermostats – findings from a multi-country survey
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 19/2020
Grimm, A.; Doll, C.; Hacker, F.; Minnich, L.
Nachhaltige Automobilwirtschaft - Strategien für eine erfolgreiche Transformation
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 18/2020
Schleich, J.; Durand, A.; Brugger, H.
How effective are EU minimum energy performance standards and energy labels for cold appliances?
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 17/2020
Eckstein, J.; Kurdziel, M.-J.; Nascimento, L.; Ordonez, J. A.
Decreasing costs of renewables – Insights on energy sector planning and climate policy from three country case studies
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 16/2020
Eckstein, J.; Kurdziel, M.-J.; Ordonez, J. A.
Decreasing costs of renewables – Analysis of energy sector planning and climate policy in Mexico
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 15/2020
Eckstein, J.; Ordonez, J. A.; Wachsmuth, J.
Decreasing costs of renewables – Implications for Mexico's climate targets
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 14/2020
Ordonez, J. A.; Eckstein, J.
Decreasing costs of renewables – Analysis of energy sector planning and climate policy in Indonesia
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 13/2020
Eckstein, J.; Ordonez, J. A.; Wachsmuth, J.
Decreasing costs of renewables – Implications for Indonesia’s climate targets
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 12/2020
Burghard, U.; Scherrer, A.; Dütschke, E.; Globisch, J.
Social acceptance of electric mobility in Germany
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 11/2020
Faure, C.; Guetlein, M.-C.; Schleich, J.
Effects of rescaling the EU energy label on household preferences for top-rated appliances
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 10/2020
Scherrer, A.; Burghard, U.
Synthetisches Methan für Lkw und Schiffe – Akteurslandschaft und Marktentwicklungsvoraussetzungen in Deutschland. Zwischenergebnisse der Akzeptanzforschung im Projekt MethSys
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 09/2020
Rose, P.; Wietschel, M.; Gnann, T.
Wie könnte ein Tankstellenaufbau für Brennstoffzellen-Lkw in Deutschland aussehen?
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 08/2020
Wietschel, M.; Held, A.; Pfluger, B.; Ragwitz, M.
Energy integration across electricity, heating & cooling and the transport sector - Sector coupling
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 07/2020
Schleich, J.; Lehmann, S.; Cludius, J.; Abrell, J.; Betz, R.; Pinkse, J.
Active or passive? Companies' use of the EU ETS
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 06/2020
Krauss, K.; Scherrer, A.; Burghard, U.; Schuler, J.; Burger, A.; Doll, C.
Sharing Economy in der Mobilität – Potenzielle Nutzung und Akzeptanz geteilter Mobilitätsdienste in urbanen Räumen in Deutschland
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 05/2020
Schleich, J.; Faure, C.; Guetlein, M.-C.; Tu, G.
Household preferences for new heating systems: Insights from a multi-country discrete choice experiment
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 04/2020
Wietschel, M.; Burghard, U.; Plötz, P.
Border crossings to neighboring countries - analysis of the opportunities and challenges of catenary trucks for freight transport to neighboring regions of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 03/2020
Wietschel, M.; Burghard, U.; Plötz, P.
Schnittstellen zum angrenzenden Ausland - Analyse der Chancen und Herausforderungen von Oberleitungs-Lkw für den Gütertransport in angrenzenden Regionen von Baden-Württemberg
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 02/2020
Faure, C.; Schleich, J.
Poor energy ratings when appliances convey
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 01/2020
Wietschel, M.
Ein Update zur Klimabilanz von Elektrofahrzeugen
Karlsruhe 2020
No. S 10/2019
Huang, Ch.; Elsland, R.
A survey-based approach to estimate residential electricity consumption at municipal level in Germany
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 09/2019
Eberling, E.; Dütschke, E.; Eckartz, K.; Schuler, J.
Moral Licensing and Rebound Effects in the residential lighting area - an experimental study
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 08/2019
Schleich, J.; Faure, C.; Meissner, T.
Adoption of retrofit measures among homeowners in EU countries: The effects of access to capital and debt aversion
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 07/2019
Gotsch, M.; Kelnhofer, A.; Jäger, A.
Environmental product innovations and the digital transformation of production - Analysing the influence that digitalising production has on generating environmental product innovations
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 06/2019
Schleich, J.; Faure, C.; Guetlein, M.-C.; Tu, G.
Conveyance and the moderating effect of envy on homeowners' choice of appliances
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 05/2019
Kluschke, P.; Uebel, M.; Wietschel, M.
Alternative Antriebe im straßengebundenen Schwerlastverkehr: eine quantitative Ermittlung der Nutzeranforderungen an schwere Lkw und deren Infrastruktur
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 05/2019 (English version)
Kluschke, P.; Uebel, M.; Wietschel, M.
Alternative powertrains in road-bound heavy-duty transport: a quantitative determination of user requirements for heavy-duty vehicles and their infrastructure
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 04/2019
Wachsmuth, J.; Denishchenkova, A.; Fekete, H.; Parra, P.; Schaeffer, M.; Ancygier, A.; Sferra, F.
Fairness- and Cost-Effectiveness-Based Approaches to Effort-Sharing under the Paris Agreement
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 03/2019
Schleich, J.; Hillenbrand, T.
Water demand responds asymmetrically to rising and falling prices
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 02/2019
Wietschel, M.; Kühnbach, M.; Rüdiger, D.
Die aktuelle Treibhausgasemissionsbilanz von Elektrofahrzeugen in Deutschland
Karlsruhe 2019
No. S 01/2019
Bodenheimer, M.
Transition towards Socially Sustainable Behavior? A Comparison of Cases from the Smartphone and Garment Industries.
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 22/2018
Wachsmuth, J.; Schaeffer, M.; Hare, B.
The EU long-term strategy to reduce GHG emissions in light of the Paris Agreement and the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 21/2018
Wietschel, M.; Kühnbach, M.; Stute, J.; Gnann, T.; Marwitz, S.; Klobasa, M.
Auswirkungen der Elektromobilität auf die Haushaltsstrompreise in Deutschland
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 20/2018
Olsthoorn, M.; Schleich, J.; Wohlfarth, K.; Klobasa, M.
How much load flexibility can a euro buy? Findings from a choice experiment with companies in the German commerce and services sector
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 19/2018
Marwitz, S., Elsland, R.
Techno-economic modelling of low-voltage networks – a concept to determine the grid investment required in Germany and the implications for grid utilisation fees
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 18/2018
Klingler, A.-L.; Luthander, R.
Market diffusion of residential PV + battery systems driven by self-consumption: a comparison of Sweden and Germany
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 17/2018
Sieber, N.; Doll, C.; Köhler, J.; van Hassel, E.; Vaneslander, T.
Sustainability Impacts of Mode Shift. Scenarios on Major European Corridors. Working Paper 8 of the study Low-Carb-RFC - European Rail Freight Corridors going Carbon Neutral. Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 16/2018
Olsthoorn, M.; Schleich, J.; Faure, C.
Exploring the diffusion of low energy houses: An empirical study in the European Union
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 15/2018
Doll, C.; Köhler, J.
Reference and Pro Rail Scenarios for European Corridors to 2050. Working Paper 5 of the study LowCarb-RFC - European Rail Freight Corridors going Carbon Neutral.
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 14/2018
Gandenberger, C.
The Globalisation of Corporate R&D. Evidence from German Environmental Technology Companies
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 13/2018
Globisch, J; Plötz, P.; Dütschke, E.; Wietschel, M.
Consumer evaluation of public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 12/2018
Schleich, J.
Energy efficient technology adoption and low-income households in the EU – What is the evidence?
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 11/2018
Köhler, J.; Hohmann, C.; Dütschke, E.
Sustainability transitions in local communities: district heating, water systems and communal housing projects. Werkstattbericht Nr. 9 in the TRANSNIK project.
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 10/2018
Warnke, P.; Schirrmeister, E.
Transition-Scenarios towards socially sustainable global value chains. Insights from the SONA WSK Foresight
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 09/2018
Gandenberger, C.; Köhler, J.; Doll, C.
Institutional and Organisational Change in the German Rail Transport Sector. Working Paper 3 of the study LowCarb-RFC - European Rail Freight Corridors going Carbon Neutral.
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 08/2018
Meyer, N.; Horvat, D.; Hitzler, M.; Doll, C.
Business Models for Freight and Logistics Services. Working Paper 4 of the study LowCarb-RFC - European Rail Freight Corridors going Carbon Neutral.
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 07/2018
Bodenheimer, M.
Transition towards Socially Sustainable Behavior? An Analysis of the Garment Sector
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 06/2018
Bodenheimer, M.
Transition towards Socially Sustainable Behavior? An Analysis of the Smartphone Sector
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 05/2018
Bodenheimer, M.
Beyond Technology: Towards Sustainability through Behavioral Transitions
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 04/2018
Schleich, J.; Gassmann, X.; Meissner, T.; Faure, C.
A large-scale test of the effects of time discounting, risk aversion, loss aversion and present bias on household adoption of energy efficient technologies.
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 03/2018
Gandenberger, C.
China's Trajectory from Production to Innovation. Insights from the Photovoltaics SectorChina's Trajectory from Production to Innovation. Insights from the Photovoltaics Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 02/2018
Iferd, Y.; Plötz, P.
External search strategies: The role of innovation objectives and specialization
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 01/2018
Wietschel, M.; Plötz, P.; Pfluger, B.; Klobasa, M.; Eßer, A.; Haendel, M.; Müller- Kirchenbauer, J.; Kochems, J.; Hermann, L.; Grosse, B.; Nacken, L.; Küster, M.; Pacem, J.; Naumann, D.; Kost, C.; Kohrs, R.; Fahl, U.; Schäfer-Stradowsky, S.; Timmermann, D.; Albert, D.
Sektorkopplung – Definition, Chancen und Herausforderungen
Karlsruhe 2018
No. S 14/2017
Schleich, J.; Faure, C.; Gassmann, X.
Household electricity contract and provider switching in the EU
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 13/2017
Hirzel, S.; Mattes, K.; Nabitz, L.; Jäger, A.
Verbreitung von Zielen, Instrumenten und Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz in nicht-energieintensiven Betrieben des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 12/2017
Friedrichsen, Nele
Kurzstudie – Potenziale der Digitalisierung für den Klimaschutz
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 11/2017
Rogge, K.; Pfluger, B.; Geels, F.
Transformative policy mixes in socio-technical scenarios: the cas of the low-carbon transition of the German electricity system (2010-2015)
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 10/2017
Olsthoorn, M; Schleich, J.; Gassmann, X.; Faure, C.
Free riding and rebates for residential energy efficiency upgrades: A multi-country contingent valuation experiment
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 09/2017
Wietschel, W.; Thielmann, A.; Plötz, P.; Gnann, T.; Sievers, L.; Breitschopf, B.; Doll, C.; Moll, C.
Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland in Zeiten zunehmender Elektromobilität
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 08/2017
Schneider, U.; Hilgert, T. (2017)
Urbane Familienmobilität im Wandel: Wie sind Familien im Alltag mobil und wie bewerten sie neue Mobilitätskonzepte?
Fraunhofer ISI
No. S 07/2017
Gandenberger, C.
Giant and Dwarf – China’s Two Faces in Wind Energy Innovation
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 06/2017
Dütschke, E.; Peters, A.
Why are individuals likely to change to sustainable modes of transport like carsharing and electricvehicles? An empirical analysis
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 05/2017
Schwirplies, C.; Dütschke, E.; Schleich, J.; Ziegler, A.
Consumers' willingness to offset their CO2 emissions from travelling: a discrete choice analysis of framing and provider contributions
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 04/2017
Tercero Espinoza, L., Soulier, M.
Defining regional recycling indicators for metals
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 03/2017
Walz, R., Gotsch, M., Gandenberger, C., Peters, A., Günther, E.
Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften – Stand der Transformation zu einer Green Economy
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 02/2017
Roth, P.
Die Bedeutung von Situiertheit für die praktische Konstitution von Konsultationsnetzwerken in F&E
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 01/2017
Köhler, J., Laws, N., Renz, I., Hacke, U., Wesche, J., Friedrichsen, N., Peters, A., Niederste-Hollenberg, J.
Anwendung der Mehr-Ebenen-Perspektive auf Transitionen: Initiativen in den kommunal geprägten Handlungsfeldern Energie, Wasser, Bauen & Wohnen
Karlsruhe 2017
No. S 09/2016
Roth, P.
Die Emergenz (geteilter) Führungsstrukturen. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur sozialen Fundierung von Hierarchiegenese
Karlsruhe 2016
No. S 07/2016
Wesche, J. P.; Plötz, P.; Dütschke, E.
How to trigger mass market adoption of electric vehicles? Factors predicting interest in electric vehicles in Germany
Karlsruhe 2016
No. S 06/2016
Eckartz, K.; Glöser-Chahoud, S.; Ostertag, K.
Magnetrecycling bei Pedelecs: Rahmenbedingungen und Akteure – Status Quo und Perspektiven
Karlsruhe 2016
No. S 05/2016
Glöser-Chahoud, S.; Kühn, A.; Tercero Espinoza, L.
Globale Verwendungsstrukturen der Magnetwerkstoffe Neodym und Dysprosium: Eine szenariobasierte Analyse der Auswirkung der Diffusion der Elektromobilität auf den Bedarf an Seltenen Erden
Karlsruhe 2016
No. S 04/2016
Schleich, J.; Gassmann, X.; Faure, C.; Meissner, T.
Making the ImplicitExplicit: A Look inside the Implicit Discount Rate
Karlsruhe 2016
No. S 03/2016
Tercero Espinoza, L.; Soulier, M.; Haag, S.
Visualizing global trade flows of copper. An examination of copper contained in international trade flows in 2014
Karlsruhe 2016
No. S 02/2016
Schleich, J.; Walz, R.; Ragwitz, M.
Effects of policies on patenting in wind power technologies
Karlsruhe 2016
No. S 01/2016
Gandenberger, C.
»Divide et Impera?« – Theoretische Perspektiven auf die Collaborative Economy
Karlsruhe 2016
No. S 14/2015
Sartorius, C.
Positive employment effects of increasing material efficiency
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 12/2015
Gandenberger, C.
Theoretical Perspectives on the International Transfer and Diffusion of Climate Technologies
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 11/2015
Haendel, M.; Gnann, T.; Plötz, P.
Fuhrparkoptimierung für Elektrofahrzeuge
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 10/2015
Breitschopf, B.
Impacts of policies on market formation and competitiveness – The case of the PV
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 09/2015
Peuckert, J.; Schmid, C.; Gandenberger, C.
International Transfer of Climate Technologies: Which Factors Influence the Firm’s Choice of Transfer Channel?
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 08/2015
Sartorius, C.; Strauch, M.; Gandenberger, C.
International Transfer of Technologies for Climate Adaptation – The Case of Membrane Bio-Reactors
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 07/2015
Gandenberger, C.; Unger, D.; Strauch, M.; Bodenheimer, M.
The International Transfer of Wind Power Technology to Brazil and China
Karlsruhe 2015
No. 06/2015
Breitschopf, B.
Policy mix and the impact on PV technologies and industry: The challenge – How to make policies quantifiable?
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 05/2015
Gandenberger, C.; Bodenheimer, M.; Schleich, J.; Orzanna, R.; Macht, L.
Factors driving international technology transfer: empirical insightsfrom a CDM project survey
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 04/2015
Dallinger, D.; Kohrs, R.; Mierau, M.; Marwitz, S.; Wesche, J.
Plug-in electric vehicles automated charging control
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 03/2015
Hummen, T.; Ostertag, K.
Consumption trends of steel and aluminium in the context of decarbonization
Karlsruhe 2015
No. 02/2015
Reichardt, K.; Rogge, K.S.; Negro, S.
Unpacking the policyprocesses for addressing systemic problems: The case of the technological innovation system of offshore wind in Germany
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 01/2015
Plötz, P.; Funke, S.; Jochem, P.
Real-world fuel economy and CO2 emissions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Karlsruhe 2015
No. S 14/2014
Gnann, T.; Plötz, P.; Funke, S.; Wietschel, M.
What is the market potential of electric vehicles as commercial passenger cars? A case study form Germany
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 13/2014
Kühn, A.; Novinsky, P.; Schade, W.
GLOMO – Global Mobility Model. Beschreibung und Ergebnisse
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 12/2014
Gnann, T.; Plötz, P.; Kühn, A.; Wietschel, M.
Modelling Market Diffusion of Electric Vehicles with Real World Driving Data - German Market and Policy Options
Karlsruhe 2014
No. 11/2014
Miller, M.; Mattes, K.
Demonstration of a multi-criteria based decision support framework for selecting PSS to increase resource efficiency
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 10/2014
Schlomann, B.; Reuter, M.; Lapillonne, B.; Pollier, K.; Rosenow, J.
Monitoring of the “Energiewende” – Energy Efficiency Indicators for Germany
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 09/2014
Bodenheimer, M.
Certifying Improvement, Improving Certification: An Analysis based on the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 08/2014
Gandenberger. C.; Orzanna, R.; Klingenfuß, S.; Sartorius, C.
The impact of policy interactions on the recycling of plastic packaging waste in Germany
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 07/2014
Reichardt, K.; Rogge, K.
How the policy mix andits consistency impact innovation: findings from company case studies on offshore wind in Germany
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 06/2014
Mattes, K.; Müller, S.; Jäger, A.; Weidner, N.; Weißfloch, U.
Adoption and Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies: Influence of the Policy Mix in the Manufacturing Industry
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 04/2014
Plötz, P.; Gnann, T.; Wietschel, M.
Modelling Market Diffusion of Electric Vehicles with Real World Driving Data. Part I: Model Structure and Validation
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 03/2014
Schleich, J.; Mills B.; Dütschke E.
A Brighter Future? Quantifying the Rebound Effect in Energy Efficient Lighting
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 2/2014
Schleich, J.; Dütschke E.; Schwirplies C.; Ziegler A.
Citizen's perceptions of justice in international climate policy – empirical insights from China, Germany and the US
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 1/2014
Plötz P.
How to estimate the probability of rare long-distance trips
Karlsruhe 2014
No. S 10/2013
Faure, C.; Schleich, J.; Schlomann, B.
Retailer Compliance with Energy Label Regulations
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 9/2013
Dallinger, D.
The contribution of vehicle-to-grid to balance fluctuating generation: Comparing different battery ageing approaches
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 8/2013
Dallinger, D.; Link, J.; Büttner, M.
Smart Grid Agent: Plug-in Electric Vehicle
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 7/2013
Duscha, V.; Schumacher, K.; Schleich, J.; Buisson, P.
Costs of meeting international climate targets without nuclear power
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 6/2013
Dütschke, E; Schneider, U.; Peters, A.
Who will use electric vehicles?
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 5/2013
Mills, B.; Schleich, J.
Household Transitions to Energy Efficient Lighting
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 4/2013
Mohring, A.; Michaelis, J.
Techno-ökonomische Bewertung von Stromspeichern im Niederspannungsnetz
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 3/2013
Rogge, K.S.; Reichardt, K.
Towards a more comprehensive policy mix conceptualization for technological environmental change: a literature synthesis
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 2/2013
Dallinger, D.; Funke, S.; Wietschel, M.
On-Board Metering
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 1/2013
Klobasa, M.; Ragwitz, M.; Sensfuß, F.; Rostankowski, A.; Gerhardt, N.; Holzhammer, U.; Richts, C.; Lehnert, W.
Nutzenwirkung der Marktprämie
Karlsruhe 2013
No. S 9/2012
Duscha, V.; Schleich, J.
Can no-lose targets contribute to a 2 °C target?
Karlsruhe 2012
No. S 8/2012
Schleich, J.; Klobasa, M.; Gölz, S.; Brunner, M.
Effects of feedback on residential electricity demand – Findings from a field trial in Austria
Karlsruhe 2012
No. S 7/2012
Gnann, T.; Plötz, P.; Zischler, F.; Wietschel, M.
Elektromobilität im Personenwirtschaftsverkehr – eine Potenzialanalyse
Karlsruhe 2012
No. S 6/2012
Funke, S.A.; Wietschel, M.
Bewertung des Aufbaus einer Ladeinfrastruktur für eine Redox-Flow-Batterie-basierte Elektromobilität
Karlsruhe 2012
No. S 5/2012
Peters, A.; Sonnberger, M.; Deuschle, J.
Rebound-Effekte aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive – Ergebnisse aus Fokusgruppen im Rahmen des REBOUND-Projektes
Karlsruhe 2012
No. S 4/2012
Dallinger, D.; Schubert, G.; Wietschel, M.
Integration of intermittent renewable power supply using grid-connected vehicles – a 2030 case study for California and Germany
Karlsruhe 2012
No. S 3/2012
Jochem, P.; Schleich, J.
Exploring the drivers behind automotive exports in OECD countries – an empirical analysis
Karlsruhe 2012
No. S 2/2012
Peters, A.; Sonnberger, M.; Dütschke, E.; Deuschle, J.
Theoretical perspective on rebound effects from a social science point of view – WorkingPaper to prepare empirical psychological and sociological studies in the REBOUND project
Karlsruhe 2012
No. S 1/2012
Dütschke, E.; Unterländer, M.; Wietschel, M.
Variable Stromtarife aus Kundensicht – Akzeptanzstudie auf Basis einer Conjoint-Analyse
Karlsruhe 2012
No. S 14/2011
Gnann, T.; Plötz, P.
Status Quo und Perspektiven der Elektromobilität in Deutschland
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 12/2011
Plötz, P.
Uncertainty in Diffusion of Competing Technologies and Application to Electric Vehicles
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 11/2011
Giebel, O.; Breitschopf, B.
The impact of policyelements on the financing costs of RE investment – the case of wind power in Germany
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 10/2011
Beer, S.; Gómez, T.; Dallinger, D.; Momber, I.; Marnay, C.; Stadler, M.; Lai, J.
An economic analysis of used electricvehicle batteries integrated into commercial building microgrids
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 9/2011
Momber, I.; Dallinger, D.; Beer, S.; Gomez, T.; Wietschel, M.; Marnay, C.; Stadler, M.
Optimizing plug-in electric vehicle charging in interaction with a small office building
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 8/2011
Marth, H.; Breitschopf, B.
Auswirkung von Politikmaßnahmen auf das Innovationsgeschehen im Bereich der Mikro-Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 7/2011
Dallinger, D.; Wietschel, M.
Grid integration of intermittent renewable energy sources usingprice-responsive
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 6/2011
Schleich, J.; Klobasa, M.; Brunner, M.; Gölz, S.; Götz, K.; Sunderer, G.
Smart metering in Germany and Austria – results of providing feedback information in a field trial
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 5/2011
Kley, F.
Neue Geschäftsmodelle zur Ladeinfrastruktur
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 3/2011
Schade, W.; Peters, A.; Doll, C.; Klug, S.; Köhler, J.; Krail, M.
VIVER – Vision für nachhaltigen Verkehr in Deutschland
VIVER – A sustainable transport vision for Germany
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 2/2011
Mattes, K.; Lerch, C.; Schröter, M.; Phan, K.A.
Anwendungsfelder mobiler Energiespeicher – Eine Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für die Konzeption aussichtsreicher Geschäftsmodelle für Elektrofahrzeuge
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 1/2011
Rogge, K.S.; Schleich, J.; Haussmann, P.; Roser, A.; Reitze, F.
The role of the regulatory framework for innovation activities: The EU ETS and the German paper industry
Karlsruhe 2011
No. S 8/2010
Schraven, S.; Kley, F.; Wietschel, M.
Induktives Laden von Elektromobilen – Eine techno-ökonomische Bewertung
Karlsruhe 2010
No. S 7/2010
Kley, F.; Wietschel, M.; Dallinger, D.
Evaluation of European electric vehicle support Schemes
Karlsruhe 2010
No. S 6/2010
Kley, F.; Dallinger, D.; Wietschel, M.
Optimizing the charge profile – considering users' driving profiles
Karlsruhe 2010
No. S 5/2010
Lerch, C.; Kley, F.; Dallinger, D.
New business models for electric cars – a holistic approach
Karlsruhe 2010
No. S 4/2010
Dallinger, D.; Krampe, D.; Wietschel, M.
Vehicle-to-grid regulation based on a dynamic simulation of mobility behavior
Karlsruhe 2010
No. S 3/2010
Link, J.; Büttner , M.; Dallinger , D.; Richter, J.
Optimisation Algorithms for the Charge Dispatch of Plug-in Vehicles Based on Variable Tariffs
Karlsruhe 2010
No. S 2/2010
Rogge, K.; Schneider, M.; Hoffmann, V.H.
The innovation impact of EU emission trading – Findings of company case studies in the German Power Sector
Karlsruhe 2010
No. S 1/2010
Rogge, K.; Linden, C.
Cross-country comparison of the replacement incentives of the EU ETS in 2008-12: The case of the power sector
Karlsruhe 2010
No. S 3/2009
Walz, Rainer; Helfrich, Nicki; Enzmann, Alexander
A system dynamics approach for modelling a lead-market-based export potential
Karlsruhe 2009
No. S 2/2009
Rogge, Karoline; Hoffmann, Volker
The impact of the EU ETS on the sectoral innovation system for power generation technologies – Findings for Germany
Karlsruhe 2009
No. S 1/2009
Mills, B.; Schleich, J.
What's Driving Energy Efficient Appliance Label Awareness and Purchase Propensity?
Karlsruhe 2009
No. S 2/2008
Schleich, J.; Rogge, K.; Betz, R.
Incentives for energy efficiency in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
Karlsruhe 2008
No. S 1/2008
Mills, B.F; Schleich, J.
Why Don’t Households See the Light? Explaining the Diffusion of Compact Fluorescent Lamps
Karlsruhe 2008
No. S 8/2007
Ragwitz, M.; Resch, G.; Schleich, J.
Increased auctioning in the EU ETS and trade in guarantees of origin for renewables: A comparison of the impact on power sector producer rents
Karlsruhe 2007
No. S 7/2007
Sensfuß, F.; Ragwitz, M.; Genoese, M.
The Merit-order effect: A detailed analysis of the price effect of renewable electricity generation on spot market prices in Germany
Karlsruhe 2007
No. S 6/2007
Schleich, J.; Cremer, C.
Using benchmarking for the primary allocation of EU allowances – An application to the German power sector
Karlsruhe 2007
No. S 5/2007
Sensfuß, F.; Ragwitz, M.; Genoese, M.; Möst, D.
Agent-based simulation of electricity markets – A literature review
Karlsruhe 2007
No. S 4/2007
Sartorius, C.
Time strategies in environmental innovation policy – the case of the mobile fuel cell and hydrogen infrastructure
Karlsruhe 2007
No. S 3/2007
Schleich, J.; Hillenbrand, T.
Determinants of Residential Water Demand in Germany
Karlsruhe 2007
No. S 2/2007
Schleich, J.; Betz, R.; Rogge, K.
EU Emission Trading – Better Job Second Time Around?
Karlsruhe 2007
No. S 1/2007
Peterson, E.B.; Schleich, J.
Economic and Environmental Effects of Border Tax Adjustments
Karlsruhe 2007
No. S 1/2006
Rogge, K.; Schleich, J.; Betz, R.
An Early Assessment of National Allocation Plans for Phase 2 of EU Emission Trading
Karlsruhe 2006