Innovation Acceptance

The Innovation Acceptance Unit examines the social prerequisites and consequences of technology and knowledge transfer processes. Our focus is on the challenges and opportunities in transferring innovative solutions with a large distance between the context of creation and use. In our work, we take current challenges as a starting point, make use of the findings and the methodological spectrum of social science technology research and develop these further with our own approaches. Our benchmark is always the user with his subjective needs. In terms of content, we serve the interstice between the macroeconomic framework of transfer processes and the micro-level of individual behavior.

Using this perspective, we focus on the following fields of application:

  • Sustainable use of natural resources
  • Urban transformation processes
  • Cultural heritage management

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Industry and Research Projects


Future Living: New know-how for the serviced living sector


CHARMS develops sustainable solutions for historic building structures in Thailand


Future Museum II: Relevance and Vision of Museums


KERES – Protecting cultural heritage from extreme climate events and increasing resilience



Partner in the Morgenstadt initiative: City Insights


Member of the FALKE-Forschungsallianz Kulturerbe (Research Alliance for Cultural Heritage)

Partner in “EIT Urban Mobility”

Member in the Fraunhofer Sustainability Network

Partner in the Climate Navigator