The project “Quantum Ecosystem Deutschland (Q.E.D.)“ aims to provide scientific support for the establishment of sovereign innovation and value chains in the quantum computing ecosystem in Germany. The project, which is divided into two modules, is intended to help develop operational knowledge and strategies for the medium to long-term establishment of a technologically sovereign and internationally competitive quantum computing ecosystem.
The aim of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF funding measure “Quantum Computer Demonstration Setups“ is, in addition to scientific and technical results, to contribute to the establishment of sovereign innovation and value chains in the quantum computing ecosystem in Germany. Thereby, a technologically sovereign and internationally competitive quantum computing ecosystem is to be developed in the medium to long term. In this context, a number of innovation and socio-economic challenges must be overcome.
Project description
The project “Quantum Ecosystem Deutschland (Q.E.D.)“ analyzes these challenges and develops approaches for overcoming them. The project team supports research institutions, companies and politics in the development of strategies for the establishment of sovereign innovation and value creation networks.
Project plan
Module 1: Ecosystem analysis
Module 1 intends to develop new methods and tools for ecosystem analysis in order to provide an overview of technologies, organizations and their knowledge base as well as strategic funding potentials.
The following tasks are paramount:
- Mapping of actors, interactions and political-structural framework conditions in the German quantum computing ecosystem
- Identification of strategic synergy potentials
- Global positioning of the German quantum computing ecosystem in international comparison
Module 2: Innovation-economic monitoring
Module 2 will pilot new methods and tools for ecosystem development in order to develop scientifically sound strategies for the establishment and expansion of the sovereign quantum computing ecosystem in Germany.
The focus is on the following task areas in close collaboration with the quantum computing community:
- Structured strategy development process for the establishment and expansion of a sovereign quantum computing ecosystem in Germany
- Systematic monitoring of transfer planning and quantum computing ecosystem development related to the funded platform technologies
- Strengthening of quantum computing ecosystem development through national and international networking and cooperation
Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF