
Science and Innovation Policy Evaluation Repository (SIPER)

SIPER is a unique repository of evaluation studies in the STI field. It makes available evaluation reports of research and innovation policy measures from numerous countries with a focus on EU and OECD countries. The repository includes studies since the early 2000s until today. Newly published evaluation studies are added every year.

The evaluation reports can be searched for on the website (search by predefined evaluation categories and free text search) and downloaded as pdfs. Alternatively, researchers can request access to the database for scientific purposes.

SIPER targets equally scientists, (political) decision-makers and research funding organisations. The reports collected and made available are intended to provide a data basis for scientific research as well as to support policy learning and the development of evidence-based programmes in the STI field.

The SIPER repository was developed during RISIS 1 (Research Infrastructure for Science and Innovation Studies) and updated and extended as a part of RISIS 2. In RISIS 2 links to other RISIS data sets havw been established (e.g. EFIL database). Furthermore, methods of automated text analysis (e.g. deep learning) were tested with the data set. SIPER is currently being continued by Fraunhofer ISI with its own funding.