
The development of practice-orientated concepts for mission implementation and mission governance

In just a few years mission oriented (innovation) policy has developed into a prominent and much-discussed approach. In numerous countries of the OECD-World as well as on the EU-level mission-oriented policies are now being implemented. However, despite or perhaps because of the rapid rise of the concept, there is often a lack of experience in its design and practical implementation.

The effective implementation of missions entails increased requirements for coordination, steering and monitoring. So far, many efforts to implement transformative, mission-oriented policies also seem to fail due to an incompatibility of existing structures with the specific requirements of this new policy approach. Which governance approaches are particularly suited for an effective implementation continues to be subject of intense debate. Against this background three to four probable paths are identified for the shaping of the governance of missions in the German federal context. To this end, core aspects of the approaches currently under discussion are examined, classified against the background of the functional requirements for successful mission governance and the complexity of implementation, and (comparatively) evaluated in terms of their expected performance.

The project builds on own, extensive work on mission-oriented innovation policy on (particularly the accompanying research on the high-tech strategy and the project on mission agencies). It is closely linked, both thematically and in its implementation, to the project 'Shaping mission policy effectively'.

The project generates insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different governance and steering structures for mission-oriented policies and develops practical options for action for actors entrusted with the implementation of missions (especially ministries).

Literature analyses, expert interviews, workshops




Bertelsmann Foundation