Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2024 |
Unlocking the value and transitional purpose of plant-based meat alternative companies in the German market
Schwarz, Alexander; Fischer, Piret; Weinrich, Ramona |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
Unlocking the value of innovative medicines: Insights from the advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP) innovation systems in Germany and Sweden
Fischer, Piret; Reiß, Thomas; Mahlich, Jörg; Gicquel, Erwan; Aichinger, Heike; Pullmann, Liliya; Bratan, Tanja |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Individual versus collective strategies in system building - The case of point-of-care diagnostics in Germany
Fischer, Piret; Hekkert, Marko P.; Hüsing, Bärbel; Moors, Ellen H.M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Bakteriophagen in der Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft
Hüsing, Bärbel; Aichinger, Heike; Fischer, Piret |
Bericht Report
2021 |
Potenzialanalyse und Roadmapping Biointelligenz für Baden-Württemberg
Wydra, Sven; Hüsing, Bärbel; Aichinger, Heike; Reiß, Thomas; Pullmann, Liliya; Fischer, Piret; Schwarz, Alexander; Kempter-Regel, Brigitte; Kindervater, Ralf |
Bericht Report
2021 |
Advanced technologies for industry - Product watch. Lightweight materials
Fischer, Piret |
Bericht Report
2021 |
Life and biological sciences and technologies as engines for bio-based innovation
Wydra, Sven; Hüsing, Bärbel; Aichinger, Heike; Fischer, Piret; Kaufmann, Tanja; Schmoch, Ulrich; Voglhuber-Slavinsky, Ariane; Bas, Davidis; Spekreijse, Jurjen; Vis, Martijn; Bardellini, Marcello; Bertuzzi, Niccolò; Moreschi, Raffaella; Ferrari, Alice de; Abbondanti Sitta, Ilaria |
Bericht Report
2020 |
Implementation of the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: A comparison of four European countries with regards to assistive technologies
Bratan, Tanja; Fischer, Piret; Maia, Maria; Aschmann, Vera |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2018 |
Deliverable D 6.6: Final Conference report
Wydra, Sven; Hüsing, Bärbel; Pullmann, Liliya; Fischer, Piret |
Bericht Report
2018 |
Deliverable D 5.1: R&D&I needs in six IB value chains
Hüsing, Bärbel; Fischer, Piret |
Bericht Report
2018 |
Institutionalisation of markets: The case of personalised cancer medicine in the Netherlands
Moors, Ellen H.M.; Kukk Fischer, Piret; Boon, Wouter; Schellen, Frank; Negro, Simona O. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2018 |
Deliverable D 2.2: PROGRESS value chain analysis
Wydra, Sven; Hüsing, Bärbel; Jäger, Angela; Lerch, Christian; Pullmann, Liliya; Fischer, Piret |
Bericht Report
2017 |
PROGRESS. Priorities for Addressing Opportunities and Gaps of Industrial Biotechnology for an Efficient Use of Funding Resources
Wydra, Sven; Hüsing, Bärbel; Fischer, Piret; Jäger, Angela; Horvat, Djerdj |
Buch Book
2017 |
Deliverable D 1.2: Identification and description of IB innovation potential (current and future)
Aichinger, Heike; Kukk, Piret; Reiß, Thomas |
Bericht Report
2016 |
Study on EU positioning: An analysis of the international positioning of the EU using revealed comparative advantages and the control of key technologies. Final report
Reiß, Thomas; Frietsch, Rainer; Schubert, Torben; Kukk, Piret; Velde, Els van de |
Studie Study
2016 |
Complexities in building innovation systems
Kukk, Piret |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis
2016 |
Institutional power play in innovation systems: The case of Herceptin®
Kukk, Piret; Moors, Ellen H.M.; Hekkert, Marko P. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2016 |
Study on EU positioning: An analysis of the international positioning of the EU using revealed comparative advantages and the control of key technologies. Annex
Reiß, Thomas; Frietsch, Rainer; Schubert, Torben; Kukk, Piret; Velde, Els van de |
Studie Study
2015 |
Monitoring the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation (MoRRI). Progress report D5.1. Update of the literature review (Sub-task 6.1) & Visioning exercise (Sub-task 6.2)
Kukk, Piret; Lindner, Ralf; Warnke, Philine; Bierwisch, Antje; Bührer, Susanne; Costas, Rodrigo; Fan, Cheng; Goos, Kerstin; et al. |
Bericht Report
2015 |
The complexities in system building strategies - the case of personalized cancer medicines in England
Kukk, Piret; Moors, E.H.M.; Hekkert, Marko P. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2014 |
Innovations- und Technikanalyse Synthetische Biologie - SynBio
Gleich, Armin von; Giese, Bernd; Königstein, Stefan; Pade, Christian; Wigger, Henning; Schmidt, Jan C.; Reiß, Thomas; Kukk, Piret; Doren, Davy van |
Bericht Report
2013 |
Thematische Schwerpunktbildung in den Life Sciences durch systemimmanente Prozesse
Reiß, Thomas; Vignola-Gagné, Etienne; Kukk, Piret |
Buch Book
2012 |
Making Perfect Life
Est, Rinie van; Stemerding, Dirk; Kukk, Piret; Hüsing, Bärbel; Keulen, Ira van; Schuijff, Mirjam; Böhle, Knud; Coenen, Christopher; Decker, Michael; Rader, Michael; Torgersen, Helge; Schmidt, Markus |
Studie Study
2011 |
PRESCIENT. Privacy and emerging fields of science and technology: Towards a common framework for privacy and ethical assessment. Deliverable D2
Finn, Rachel; Friedewald, Michael; Gellert, Raphael; Gutwirth, Serge; Hüsing, Bärbel; Kukk, Piret; Mordini, Emilio; Schütz, Philip; Venier, Silvia; Wright, David |
Bericht Report
2011 |
Synthetische Biologie in Baden-Württemberg: Status-quo und zukünftige Entwicklungspotenziale
Reiß, Thomas; Kukk, Piret |
Studie Study
2010 |
Analyse des Handlungsbedarfs für das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) aus der Leitmarktinitiative (LMI) der EU-Kommission für biobasierte Produkte außerhalb des Energiesektors
Wydra, S.; Hüsing, B.; Kukk, P. |
Studie Study