Industrial Technologies

The business unit Industrial Technologies is focused on the development, implementation and diffusion of emerging technologies – especially in their early stages. Our expertise lies in the technical understanding of the technologies and the analysis of technology development, including questions of production, market development and diffusion of corresponding technologies in various applications. The current thematic focus is on battery technologies, hydrogen technologies, new materials and quantum technologies.

The range of services extends from technical potential analyses and economic analyses to investigations of social and political framework conditions.

The business unit is headed by Dr. Thomas Schmaltz.

Focus topic battery technologies

The Fraunhofer ISI has been working in the field of battery technologies for over fifteen years. The technological focus of our battery activities is on lithium-ion batteries. We also continuously monitor and analyze alternative battery chemistries and systems that could reach market maturity in the next few years.

The research topics of the Fraunhofer ISI in the field of batteries range from the evaluation of research and development of new battery technologies to suitable funding strategies, technology commercialization, industrial production, use and circular economy including recycling.

Contact: Dr. Christoph NeefDr. Axel Thielmann

Focus topic hydrogen technologies

Since 2020, we have been taking a close look at critical technologies for a sustainable hydrogen economy, such as electrolysis and fuel cells, without which a climate-neutral energy system of the future is hardly possible. To do this, we are monitoring the development of science, applications and markets using suitable indicators that provide us with information about relevant players and developments.

On this basis, we lay the foundation for integrative technology roadmap processes that analyze the emergence of relevant supply and value chains in a forward-looking way and promote vertical interaction between relevant stakeholders today and in the future. With this know-how, we advise, support and evaluate research initiatives and stakeholder groups, also with regard to indirect aspects such as regional development, structural change, the demand for skilled workers and conflicting goals.

Contact: Dr. Henning Döscher

Focus topic quantum technologies

In the emerging field of quantum technologies, the Industrial Technologies business unit analyses technical and non-technical developments in the areas of quantum communication, quantum computing and quantum sensor technology. In addition to analyzing international strategies, patent, publication and market developments, the focus is on the examination of the relevant technologies and components. This includes the creation of technology roadmaps and the analysis of stakeholders, as well as the examination of application scenarios, the derivation of policy options and the analysis of the impact on the economy and society.

Contact: Dr. Thomas SchmaltzDr. Lukas Weymann

Focus topic advanced materials

Materials research plays a decisive and cross-technology role in emerging technologies and innovations. Novel, advanced materials are the basis for the further development of numerous new technologies, e.g. in the field of battery technologies, hydrogen technologies, microelectronics and quantum technologies.

The Industrial Technologies business unit is concerned with the development of new materials and considers aspects of raw material availability, producibility (production technologies), and sustainability along the value chain from raw material to end product.

Examples include work on two-dimensional materials as part of the Graphene Flagship, battery materials (as part of numerous battery projects), materials for hydrogen technologies, magnetic materials for electromobility, and many more.

Contact: Dr. Henning DöscherDr. Thomas SchmaltzDr. Thomas Reiß