
Monitoring socio-ecological transformation. An analysis of the research landscape, topics and actors

The MONSET project is led by Dr. Miriam Bodenheimer and conducted by members of the Competence Centers Innovation and Knowledge Economy and Sustainability and Infrastructure Systems. The Competence Center Innovation and Knowledge Economy is conducting the quantitative language analyses and other analyses for the project.

The object of the research project is to monitor research on the socio-ecological transformation (SET). This aims to provide knowledge for the transformation toward sustainability and to organize the process of knowledge generation in such a way that it contributes to making the transformation socially acceptable and democratic. Research on SET includes actors involved in research, research programs and projects, and outputs, such as research results and publications. The consideration of all these elements in harmony with each other enables an overall view of participating institutions/actors and the central contents of socio-ecological research (SER), as well as the identification of possible gaps or blind spots.

Fraunhofer ISI's research monitoring creates the right conditions for the Hans Böckler Foundation (HBF) to help shape SET, to participate in providing the knowledge base for it, and to provide actors with the scope to jointly shape SET. It provides comprehensive information on current developments in the content and structure of research on SET and shows where there are gaps in the content and which actors in the field are still underrepresented in the research


Literature, project and press databases will be used to identify sources that evidently deal with SET, but whose exact contents have not yet been indexed in a structured manner. These sources will be merged into a complete body of work, which will be examined by means of structuring text-analytical methods such as topic modeling. In this way, particularly prevalent topics can be identified and semantically defined. On this basis, search strategies will be developed which will be used to check which scientific and trade union actors are active in the identified areas in Internet sources collected by web scraping. This will, for example, also allow the contribution to the SER by trade unions to be recorded.


None so far.



