According to the Ecodesign Working plan 2016-19, "Given their specificity, a separate track is proposed for ICT products... that will also fully take into account their circular economy potential, which is particularly relevant in the case of mobile / smart phones".
Within this context, DG GROW launched this preparatory study on mobile phones, smartphones and tablets in order to assess the feasibility of proposing Ecodesign and/or Energy Labelling requirements for these product groups. The study will also investigate in more detail the potential for environmental improvement, including, in particular, aspects relevant to the circular economy, and provide the elements needed for the identification of policy options in the subsequent impact assessment.
The Ecodesign Directive aims to improve the energy efficiency of products such as mobile phones, smartphones and tablets through a framework for setting requirements for energy-related products, while ensuring the free movement of such products within the internal market of the European Union. To prepare draft implementing measures for products under this Directive, the European Commission shall make a series of analyses and assessments, which are being called Preparatory Studies. The methodology of these studies is described in the Methodology for Ecodesign of Energy-related Products (MEErP).