Publications 2024

  • Luderer, C.; Sensfuß, F. (2024): Modellgestützte Systemanalyse zur potentiellen Rolle von Grundlastkraftwerken im Rahmen eines dekarbonisierten europäischen Energiesystems. Projektbericht erstellt im Auftrag der acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI.
  • Burkhardt, A.; Billerbeck, A.; Böttger, D.; Brand, H.; Egerer, J.; Gerhardt, N.; Gillich, A.; Held, A.; Kahles, M.; Kamm, J.; Hoff, F.; Kochems, J.; Nienhaus, K.; Pfefferer, U.; Radke, S.; Schill, W.-P.; Stecher, M.; Stiewe, C.; Tekin, E.; Tiedemann, S. (2024): Kernelemente des Strommarktdesigns – Anforderungen, Ziele, Bewertungskriterien und Handlungsoptionen. Kopernikus-Projekt Ariadne, Potsdam.
  • Müller, Viktor Paul; Besler, Malte; van Vuuren, Detlef; Eichhammer, Wolfgang (2024): Can green hydrogen drive economic transformation in Saudi Arabia? - An input-output analysis of different Power-to-X configurations. In: Energy Conversion and Management: X, Vol. 24, 100798.
  • Richstein, Jörn C.; Anatolitis, Vasilios; Blömer, Robin; Bunnenberg, Lennart; Dürrwächter, Jakob; Eckstein, Johannes et al. (2024): Catalyzing the transition to a climate-neutral industry with carbon contracts for difference. In: Joule, 2024.
  • Lux, B.; Frömel, M.; Resch, G.; Hasengst, F.; Sensfuß, F. (2024): Effects of different renewable electricity diffusion paths and restricted european cooperation on Europe's hydrogen supply. In: Energy Strategy Reviews, 56, p. 101589.
  • Deutsche Energie-Agentur (Hrsg.) (dena, 2024): Aufbau und Finanzierung von Wasserstoffspeichern in Deutschland 
  • Observ’ER, TNO, Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG, Fraunhofer ISI, VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research) and Statistics Netherlands (2024): Heat Pumps Barometer 2024. A study prepared for the European Commission in the scope of the EurObserv’ER project. 
  • Lehmann, S.; Schleich, J.; Pinkse, J. (2024): Allocation or Skill? What is Driving Corporate Trading Performance in the EU ETS? In: The Energy Journal.
  • Alexander-Haw, Abigail; Schleich, Joachim (2024): Low carbon footprint - A consequence of free will or of poverty? The impact of sufficiency orientation and deprivation on individual carbon footprints. Energy Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114367.
  • Rao, S.; Schlomann, B.; Blauert, M.; Stede, J.; Schaper, J.; Grimm, A.; Plötz, P.; Dütschke, E.; Schleich, J. (2024): Evaluation der „Richtlinie zur Förderung des Absatzes von elektrisch betriebenen Fahrzeugen (Umweltbonus)“ - Abschlussbericht (Förderzeitraum: 2016-2023, gesamter Förderzeitraum). Karlsruhe/Berlin: Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI und Technopolis Deutschland GmbH. Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz. 
  • Breitschopf, B.; Billerbeck, A. (2024): Preference for design elements of financial participation and non-monetary effects of using energy transition technologies - survey results. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. Working Paper Sustainability and Innovation No S08/2024. DOI: 10.24406/w-34271
  • Flipo, A.; Alexander-Haw, A.; Breucker, F.; Dütschke, E. (2024): Who is sufficient, and why? A mixed-methods approach to the social determinants of sufficiency lifestyles in the pursuit of decarbonisation. In: Consumption and Society, pp. 1–19.
  • Billerbeck, A (2024): District heating in a climate-neutral energy system – Modelling of transformation pathways and implications for policies. Dissertation. Universität Freiburg.
  • Fuchs, Doris; Debourdeau, Ariane; Dütschke, Elisabeth; Fahy, Frances; Garzon, Giulia; Kirchler, Benjamin et al. (2024): Assessing the impact of structural change in sustainable consumption and lifestyles research. In: Consumption and Society, S. 1–19.
  • Lasarov, W.; Hoffmann, S.; Mai, R.; Schleich, J. (2024): Carbon footprint tracking apps: The spillover effects of feedback and goal-activating appeals. In: Ecological economics, 226, p. 108354.
  • Bagheri, M.; Tröger, J.; Freudenberg, C. (2024): Investigating the influence of current trends and behaviours on household structures and housing consumption patterns. In: Consumption and Society, pp. 1–23.
  • Helferich, M.; Tröger, J.; Dütschke, E. (2024): The role of automobility engagement for car use and car use reduction intentions in Germany. Transportation Research Part F. In: Psychology and Behaviour, 106, pp. 199-214.
  • Guetlein, M.-C.; Schleich, J. (2024): Empirical insights into enabling and impeding factors for increasing citizen investments in renewable energy communities. In: Energy Policy, 193, p. 114302.
  • Müller, V. P.; Zheng, L. (2024): Can Success be Planned? - China's Path to Technology Leadership in Green Electricity and Hydrogen and its Implications for Europe and the United States. In: 2024 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 10th - 12th June 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye, pp. 1–8.
  • Müller, V. P.; Riemer, M.; Eckstein, J. (2024): Are Carbon-Based E-Fuels a Viable Path to Decarbonization? - A Critical Comparison of Global Supply and Demand. In: 2024 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 10th - 12th June 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye, pp. 1–7.
  • Zheng, L.; Eckstein, J.; Weißenburger, B. (2024): Investigating the Hydrogen Demand Curve in Road Transport. In: 2024 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 10th - 12th June 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye, pp. 1–8.
  • George, J. F.; Held, A.; Winkler, J.; Eichhammer, W.; Ragwitz, M. (2024): Unveiling the cost competitiveness of sector coupling technologies - Policy impacts on levelised costs of heat pumps and battery electric vehicles in Germany.
  • Bagheri, Mahsa; Roth, Linda; Siebke, Leila; Rohde, Clemens; Linke, Hans-Joachim (2024): Implementing housing policies for a sufficient lifestyle. In: B&C 5 (1). DOI: 10.5334/bc.435.
  • Mandel, T. D. (2024): The energy efficiency first principle in European energy and climate policy: Bridging the gap between conceptual foundations and practical policy implementation. Utrecht: Utrecht University Repository.
  • Mandel, T.; Pató, Z. (2024): Towards effective implementation of the energy efficiency first principle: a theory-based classification and analysis of policy instruments. In: Energy Research & Social Science, 115, p. 103613.
  • Bagheri, M.; Kochański, M.; Kranzl, L.; Korczak, K.; Mayrhofer, L.; Müller, A.; Özer, E.; Rao, S. (2024): Reduction of gas demand through changes in heating behaviour in households: Novel insights from modelling and empirical evidence. In: Energy and buildings, 318, p. 114257.
  • Burkhardt, A.; Billerbeck, A.; Bernath, C.; Manz, P.; Deac, G.; Held, A. (2024): The Role of Thermal Energy Storage in Market Integration of Variable Renewable Electricity - A German Case Study. In: 2024 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) (2024 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM)), 10th - 12th June 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye, pp. 1–9.
  • Helferich, M.; Tröger, J.; Stephan, A.; Preuß, S.; Pelka, S.; Stute, J.; Plötz, P. (2024): Tariff option preferences for smart and bidirectional charging: Evidence from battery electric vehicle users in Germany. In: Energy Policy, 192, p. 114240.
  • Helferich, M.; Tröger, J.; Dütschke, E. (2024): Deutschlandticket - Impulsgeber für nachhaltige Mobilität? Ergebnisse aus der MobilKULT-Panelstudie zu Mobilitätsgewohnheiten. Internationales Verkehrswesen, 76(2), 30–36. 
  • Kisielewicz, J.; Lonsdale, J.; Audino, A.; Griffa, A.; Rahim, S.; Dobre, I.; Malkun Cure, S.; Reinfandt, N.; Rao, S.; Eichhammer, W.; Kimpeler, S.; Rörden, J.; Winkler, M.; Honegger, M.; Frizis, I.; Fazekas, D.; Chatburn, L. (2024): Research and Innovation for Climate Neutrality by 2050.
  • Preuß, Sabine; Billerbeck, Anna; Breitschopf, Barbara; Dütschke, Elisabeth; Kantel, Anne; Scherrer, Aline; Schnackenberg, Lea (2024): Einschätzungen zum Heizen mit Wärmepumpen und Wasserstoff. In: EW. Magazin für die Energiewirtschaft, 3, S. 18-23.
  • Gauer, V. H.; Axsen, J.; Long, Z.; Dütschke, E. (2024): Is a robot car still a car? Consumer perceptions of fully automated vehicles and automobility in Canada. In: Energy research & social science 113, S. 103558.
  • Müller, V. P.; Eichhammer, W.; van Vuuren, D. (2024): Paving the way: Analysing energy transition pathways and green hydrogen exports in developing countries – The case of Algeria. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 67, pp. 240–250.
  • George, J. F.; Marx, A.; Held, A.; Winkler, J.; Bekk, A.; Ragwitz, M. (2024): Balancing the books: unveiling the direct impact of an integrated energy system model on industries, households and government revenues. In: Energy, Sustainability and Society, 14 (1).
  • Schmitz, R.; Brandes, J.; Nolte, H.; Kost, C.; Lux, B.; Haendel, M.; Held, A. (2024): Implications of hydrogen import prices for the German energy system in a model-comparison experiment. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 63, pp. 566–579.
  • Breitschopf, B.; Keil, J.; Burghard, U.; Scheller, F. (2024): Forms of financial participation and acceptance of the energy transition - are there any relations? In: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 48 (1), pp. 38–57.
  • Manz, P.; Fleiter, T.; Billerbeck, A.; Fritz, M.; Alibaş, Ş.; Eichhammer, W. (2024): Identifying future district heating potentials in Germany: a study using empirical insights and distribution cost analysis. In: International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 40, pp. 131–145.
  • Pelka, S.; Kesselring, A.; Preuß, S.; Chappin, E.; Vries, L. de (2024): Can behavioral interventions optimize self-consumption? Evidence from a field experiment with prosumers in Germany. In: Smart Energy, 14, p. 100140.
  • Alexander-Haw, A.; Breitschopf, B. (2024): How to design an auction: The impact of auction implementation elements on the financing costs of renewable electricity projects. In: Energy Policy, 188, p. 114069.
  • Engel, T.; Zembrot, M. (2024): Pilotprojekt eWayBW: Vorbereitung des Realbetriebs; eWayBW II Working Paper 02/2024: Ministerium für Verkehr Baden-Württemberg (Hrsg.).
  • European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Kisielewicz, J., Lonsdale, J., Audino, A. et al., Research and innovation for climate neutrality by 2050 – Challenges, opportunities and the path forward, Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
  • Müller, V. P.;  Boie, I.; Besler, M.; Beck, Y.; Jaroudi, I.; Eichhammer, W. (2023): The role of green hydrogen in the energy transformation of fossil fuel exporters. Report. Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
  • Scherrer, A.; Helferich, M.; Speth, D.; Link, S. (2024): Requirements of German logistics companies for charging battery-electric trucks. Results of a combined survey and interview study. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI. Working Paper Sustainability and Innovation No. S 03/2024.
  • Tersteegen, B.; Bangert, L.; Dröscher, T.; Herrmann, U; Klaassen, B.; Maurer, C.; Müller-Kirchenbauer, J.; Neuwirth, M.; Pfluger, B.; Wachsmuth, J.; Wietschel, M. (2024): Systemdienliche Integration von grünem Wasserstoff. Abschlussbericht im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz. Finale Fassung vom 19. Juni 2023.
  • Schleich, J.; Alsheimer, S. (2024): The relationship between willingness to pay and carbon footprint knowledge: Are individuals willing to pay more to offset their carbon footprint if they learn about its size and distance to the 1.5 °C target? In: Ecological economics, 219, p. 108151.
  • Manz, P.; Billerbeck, A.; Kök, A.; Fallahnejad, M.; Fleiter, T.; Kranzl, L.; Braungardt, S.; Eichhammer, W. (2024): Spatial analysis of renewable and excess heat potentials for climate-neutral district heating in Europe. In: Renewable Energy, p. 120111.
  • Wietschel, M.; Weißenburger, B.; Wachsmuth, J.; Müller, V. P. (2024): Was wissen wir über Importe von grünem Wasserstoff und seinen Derivaten und was lässt sich daraus für eine deutsche Importstrategie ableiten? HYPAT Impulspapier Nr. 1/2024. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI (Hrsg.)
  • Preuß, S.; Kunze, R.; Scherrer, A.; Zwirnmann, J.; Rommel, A. (2024): Is the share of renewable electricity in vehicle charging still above the grid mix in Europe? Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI. Working Paper Sustainability and Innovation No. S 01/2024. DOI: 10.24406/publica-2481
  • Burghard, U.; Scherrer, A.; Helferich, M.; Breuer, M. (2024): Die soziale Akzeptanz von eWayBW und der Oberleitungstechnologie aus drei Perspektiven: Bürger:innen, Medien und Politik. eWayBW II Working Paper Nr. 1/2024. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI (Hrsg.).
  • Schleich, J.; Dütschke, E.; Kanberger, E.; Ziegler, A. (2024): On the relationship between individual carbon literacy and carbon footprint components. In: Ecological economics, 218, p. 108100.
  • Kong, L.; Li, J.; Eichhammer, W. (2024): Intensification of moisture separation in the pulp convective drying process with ultrasound-assisted method. In: Bioresource Technology, 394, p. 130226.
  • Buschle, J.; Anatolitis, V.; Plötz, P. (2024): Empirical evidence on discrimination in multi-technology renewable energy auctions in Europe. In: Energy Policy, 184, p. 113853.