The European Battery Business Club EBBC – educating and connecting the growing European workforce in the battery sector

by Christine Harzer /

As the battery industry continues to expand, the need for specialized training and upskilling becomes imperative. In this article, we will explore the different groups within the industry that require vocational training and examine the suitability of pure online trainings. The European Battery Business (EBBC) addresses these needs by providing cutting-edge battery knowledge with industry insights, delivered through innovative micro-learning elements. This ensures self-directed learning and the possibility to educate a high number of personnel at the same time. Does the format and the content of the EBBC fit to the training needs of the growing European battery technology industry?

Der European Battery Business Club (EBBC) vermittelt aktuelles Batteriewissen in Kombination mit Einblicken in die Industrie durch ein asynchrones Online-Training.
© EBBC/Fraunhofer ISI
The European Battery Business Club (EBBC) provides up-to-date battery knowledge combined with industry insights through asynchronous online training.

The European battery industry is undergoing a transition towards a circular battery economy, with plans to ramp up battery production capacities significantly in the next 10 years. The industry is facing competition from global players as they position themselves in the market.

To build a competitive European battery industry and workforce, EIT RawMaterials and Fraunhofer published a report on future expert needs in the battery sector. This  study was conducted by Fraunhofer ISI in 2021 on behalf of EIT Raw Materials to identify the skills needed and measures required. The study highlighted the need to continuously adapt and develop skills, with different skill requirements along the value chain. There is a demand for both academic and vocational education and training in the industry.

The focus of this article is on the re- and upskilling of the existing workforce in vocational education.

Different groups of people with different training needs

Professionals who have gained some experience in the industry and have completed in-house trainings require complementary opportunities for upskilling. Researchers or managers who hold higher positions should be upskilled in cross-sectional knowledge such as digital skills, circular economy, and sustainable understanding. There is high demand for experienced professionals from different technological fields that are new to the battery sector to gain a broad knowledge in a flexible way.

In addition, there is the group of professionals working in positions that have business connections to the growing battery sector and electromobility sector, like insurance companies or financial institutes, that need a broad knowledge of the requirements, advantages, risks and challenges of the battery industry.

Following, we will explore the unique features of the EBBC training program and provide an overview of the content tracks available.

Re- and upskilling professionals using the EBBC

To validate the format and the content of the EBBC modules and tracks, a training needs analysis was conducted by Fraunhofer ISI. The focus was on professionals with existing working experience who require re- or upskilling measures but have limited time due to daily business commitments. Online trainings were found to be the most suitable approach for reaching this target group and addressing their emerging training needs in a time-efficient manner.

The EBBC training program utilizes the learning management platform "Rise Up" to provide participants with a flexible and self-directed learning experience. The EBBC differentiates itself from other educational trainings, conferences, and fee-based lectures. It offers a combination of asynchronous lectures, quick learning nuggets, and interactive expert exchange, creating a unique and engaging learning experience. This platform is designed to meet the specific needs of the target group and provides opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Through asynchronous learning elements such as short videos, podcasts, quizzes, and interactive figures, participants can engage with the content at their own pace, regardless of time or location. This allows for personalized learning and the ability to revisit the material whenever needed.

Battery knowledge along the whole battery value chain

The EBBC training program offers various content tracks that delve into different aspects of battery technology and its market. Its up-to-date learning content has been developed by battery researchers of various Fraunhofer institutes (Fraunhofer IFAM, ISC, ISI, IWKS) and two leading universities in battery research in Europe, Uppsala and Ljubljana.

With its combination of cutting-edge knowledge and industry insights, participants have the chance to develop skills to identify business opportunities, apply battery-related insights in qualified positions, and make data-driven decisions.

The EBBC program consists of the following tracks:

  1. Battery Cosmos: The introductory module provides a comprehensive overview of the global battery market. Participants will gain insights into key players, market dynamics, and forecasts. Interactive market analysis tools and expert interviews enhance the learning experience and provide a deeper understanding of market trends and their impact.
  2. Battery Data: This module focuses on the importance of data in monitoring battery performance, market trends, and technological advancements. Participants will explore how data is utilized in the battery industry through interactive data visualization tools and case studies. This track equips participants with the knowledge to make data-driven decisions in the battery industry.
  3. Battery Materials: The Battery Materials track delves into the different materials used in battery production. Participants will learn about the properties, sourcing, and impacts of these materials on battery performance and cost. Interactive elements such as infographics and calculators help participants understand the relationship between materials and battery efficiency.
  4. Cell Manufacturing: This track explores the intricate processes involved in battery cell manufacturing. Participants will gain insights into cell design, production techniques, and innovations in manufacturing technology. Videos and interactive elements showcase manufacturing processes and their impact on battery quality.
  5. Dismantling & Recycling: The Dismantling & Recycling track focuses on the end-of-life aspects of batteries. Participants will explore recycling processes, sustainability considerations, and regulations impacting battery recycling. Real-life case studies and simulations provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in battery recycling
Der European Battery Business Club (EBBC) vermittelt aktuelles Batteriewissen in Kombination mit Einblicken in die Industrie durch ein asynchrones Online-Training.
© Fraunhofer IFAM
In five tracks, the EBBC imparts specialist knowledge from the fields of battery cosmos, battery data, battery materials, cell production as well as dismantling and recycling.

Ensuring up-to-date knowledge and expertise

Keeping the EBBC content up to date is a priority. The program ensures that the knowledge transfer and content are refreshed regularly. Interactive sessions are moderated by experts in the field, providing industry-relevant insights and expertise. The industry participants emphasize the importance of topicality and input from experts to meet the evolving needs of the battery industry.

In addition, EBBC combines its innovative training program on battery technology with a networking platform for the battery community in Europe and worldwide. Within an online community area, you can interact and engage with other battery enthusiasts, experts, and learners. Community members can also participate in forums and expert talks and build their personal battery network on the open EBBC community platform. With this, EBBC provides a platform for the continuously growing European battery community and enables a flexible exchange.

The battery industry requires tailored training programs to meet the needs of various professional groups. Online training proves to be a suitable approach in addressing these needs.

The European Battery Business Club offers a unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of battery technology. With its flexible online learning format and networking possibilities, the EBBC is a valuable investment for professionals seeking to make a mark in the battery technology sector. By staying up to date with the latest research findings and industry developments, participants can stay at the forefront of the battery industry and contribute to shaping its future.


Sources and contact

This article is based on the following two reports:

  • Fraunhofer ISI, Axel Thielmann et al. (2022): Training needs analysis,  26 April 2022
  • Fraunhofer ISI, Axel Thielmann et. al (2021): Future Expert Needs in the Battery Sector, 12 Februar 2021 on behalf of EIT RM and the EBBC


Contact persons:

  • Christine Harzer, Fraunhofer Academy
  • Timo Ell-Braun, Fraunhofer IFAM

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