Minerals Intelligence Capacity Analysis (MICA)
Stakeholder identification and appraisal of emerging information needs in the field of primary and secondary raw materials
Primary and secondary raw materials are fundamental to Europe’s economy and growth. To-date, there exists no raw materials knowledge infrastructure at EU level. The Minerals Intelligence Capacity Analysis (MICA) project aims to improve the provision and delivery of raw material information to stakeholders in Europe through a powerful, user-friendly online platform. To this end Fraunhofer ISI’s Competence Center Foresight leads a comprehensive analysis of stakeholder needs (Work Package 2):
- systematic identification and classification of active, passive and emerging stakeholder groups
- interviews and surveys for the empirical appraisal of stakeholders’ raw material information needs
- multi-stakeholder workshop to specify core needs in detail, to validate findings and to shed light on information needs from different perspectives
The envisioned online platform will help decision makers to better navigate through the raw material domain, covering primary metallic, industrial and construction minerals and their secondary stocks in the anthroposphere. Access to raw material information (data, methods and foresight tools) is facilitated and responding to stakeholders’ information needs (e.g. how much primary copper will be needed in a circular economy?) is supported. Thus, MICA will be part of the transitional phase in building a European Union Raw Materials Knowledge Base (EURMBK).