Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2025 |
Powerfuels for Heavy-Duty Road Transportation
Gnann, Till; Link, Steffen; Speth, Daniel; Scherrer, Aline |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article
2024 |
Declining costs imply fast market uptake of zero-emission trucks
Link, Steffen; Stephan, Annegret; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2024 |
Agent-based Simulation for Market Diffusion of Passenger Cars and Motorcycles BEV in Greater Jakarta Area
Nugroho, Rizqi Ilma; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Purwanto, Widodo W.; Hanafi, Jessica; Soehodho, Sutanto |
Bericht Report
2024 |
Langfristszenarien für die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland 3. -045-Szenarien-. Modul Verkehr
Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Krail, Michael; Wietschel, Martin |
Bericht Report
2024 |
Langfristszenarien für die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland 3. -T45-Szenarien-. Modul Verkehr
Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Krail, Michael; Wietschel, Martin |
Bericht Report
2024 |
Requirements of German logistics companies for charging battery-electric trucks
Scherrer, Aline; Helferich, Marvin; Speth, Daniel; Link, Steffen |
Bericht Report
2024 |
Infrastructure requirements for electrified heavy road transport in Germany and the EU
Speth, Daniel; Link, Steffen; Wietschel, Martin |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2024 |
Megawatt-Laden im Lkw-Fernverkehr: Erste Erkenntnisse zu Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätzen
Plötz, Patrick; Speth, Daniel; Kappler, Lena; Satvat, Bonjat; Klausmann, Florian |
Bericht Report
2024 |
Model coupling and comparison on optimal load shifting of battery electric vehicles and heat pumps focusing on generation adequacy
Misconel, Steffi; Zimmermann , Florian; Mikurda, Jennifer; Möst, Dominik; Kunze, Robert; Gnann, Till; Kühnbach, Matthias; Speth, Daniel; Pelka, Sabine; Yu, Songmin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2024 |
Optimized demand-based charging networks for long-haul trucking in Europe
Lange, Jan-Hendrik; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2024 |
Rapidly declining costs of truck batteries and fuel cells enable large-scale road freight electrification
Link, Steffen; Stephan, Annegret; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2024 |
Depot slow charging is sufficient for most electric trucks in Germany
Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2024 |
Optimized demand-based charging networks for long-haul trucking in Europe
Lange, Jan-Hendrik; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick |
Bericht Report
2023 |
Transformatinsprozess für die kommunale Energiewende - Sektorengekoppelte Infrastrukturen und Strategien zur Einbindung von lokalen Akteuren (TrafoKommunE). Abschlussbericht
Hotz, Christian; Wayas, Louis; Mohan, Jithin; Merz, Lisa; Isik, Volkan; Köppel, Wolfgang; Glaser, Christian; Kleinebrahm, Max; Jongh, Steven de; Gräfenhorst, Simon; Förderer, Kevin; König, Michael; Stelzer, Volker; Oberle, Stella; Stute, Judith; Wietschel, Martin; Speth, Daniel; Gnann, Till; Hettesheimer, Tim; Powilleit, Marion; Ulmer, Nico; Gewiese, Bernd; Schmalzing, Claus; Studt, Julian; Hettig, Simon; Schmelzer, Martin; Müntefering, Tim; Frankenhoff, Frederic; Benthin, Jörn; Albus, Rolf |
Bericht Report
2023 |
BOLD - Accompanying research for overhead line trucks in Germany
Gnann, Till; Jöhrens, Julius; Hacker, Florian; Biemann, Kirsten; Burghard, Uta; Helms, Hinrich; Göckeler, Katharina; Kräck, Jan; Mottschall, Moritz; Plötz, Patrick; Scherrer, Aline; Speth, Daniel |
Bericht Report
2023 |
Battery electric long-haul trucks in Europe: Public charging, energy, and power requirements
Shoman, Wasim; Yeh, Sonia; Sprei, Frances; Plötz, Patrick; Speth, Daniel |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
Public charging requirements for battery electric long-haul trucks in Europe: A trip chain approach
Shoman, Wasim; Yeh, Sonia; Sprei, Frances; Plötz, Patrick; Speth, Daniel |
Bericht Report
2023 |
Locations for Battery Electric Truck Charging based on Truck Stop Location Data
Plötz, Patrick; Speth, Daniel; Link, Steffen |
2023 |
Greenhouse gas emission budgets and policies for zero-carbon road transport in Europe
Plötz, Patrick; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Sprei, Frances; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Neuner, Felix; Link, Steffen |
Bericht Report
2023 |
Machbarkeitsstudie: Auf- und Ausbau eines leistungsfähigen Wasserstofftransportnetzes in Brandenburg
| Studie Study
2023 |
Modelling a capacity-constrained public charging infrastructure network for electric trucks in Germany
Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick; Wietschel, Martin |
2023 |
A Review of Big Data in Road Freight Transport Modeling: Gaps and Potentials
Shoman, Wasim; Yeh, Sonia; Sprei, Frances; Köhler, Jonathan; Plötz, Patrick; Todorov, Yancho; Rantala, Seppo; Speth, Daniel |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
Greenhouse gas emission budgets and policies for zero-Carbon road transport in Europe
Plötz, Patrick; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Sprei, Frances; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Neuner, Felix; Link, Steffen |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
Enhancing electric vehicle market diffusion modeling: A German case study on environmental policy integration
Van, Tien Linh Cao; Barthelmes, Lukas; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Kagerbauer, Martin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
Wasserstoff im zukünftigen Energiesystem - eine systemische Analyse
Köppel, Wolfgang; Wietschel, Martin; Gnann, Till; Fleiter, Tobias; Lux, Benjamin; Manz, Pia; Rehfeldt, Matthias; Speth, Daniel; Steinbach, Jan; Pfluger, Benjamin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Where to charge electric trucks in Europe - Modelling a charging infrastructure network
Speth, Daniel; Sauter, Verena; Plötz, Patrick |
2022 |
Attractiveness of alternative fuel trucks with regard to current tax and incentive schemes in Germany: a total cost of ownership analysis
Speth, Daniel; Kappler, Lena; Link, Steffen; Keller, Marc |
2022 |
Systemanalytische Untersuchungen zur Evaluierung der Rolle von EE-Methan
Wietschel, Martin; Oberle, Stella; Akca Subasi, Melek; Speth, Daniel; Lux, Benjamin; Scherrer, Aline; Kunze, Robert; Köppel, Wolfgang; Vayas, Louis; Zubair, Asif; Gnann, Till; Burghard, Uta; Pfluger, Benjamin; Steyer, Nico; Erler, Ronny; Monsalve, Cristian; Pemsel, Jonas; Lozanovski, Aleksandar |
Bericht Report
2022 |
Synthetic European road freight transport flow data
Speth, Daniel; Sauter, Verena; Plötz, Patrick; Signer, Tim |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Markthochlaufszenarien für Elektrofahrzeuge - Rückblick und Ausblick 2030
Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick; Wietschel, Martin; Krail, Michael |
Bericht Report
2022 |
What is the right battery size for an electric truck with respect to its charging infrastructure?
Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Link, Steffen; Plötz, Patrick |
2022 |
Where to Charge Electric Trucks in Europe - Modelling a Charging Infrastructure Network
Speth, Daniel; Sauter, Verena; Plötz, Patrick |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Public fast charging infrastructure for battery electric trucks - a model-based network for Germany
Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick; Funke, Simon; Vallarella, Emanuel |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
How to integrate real-world user behavior into models of the market diffusion of alternative fuels in passenger cars - An in-depth comparison of three models for Germany
Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Seddig, Katrin; Stich, Meike; Schade, Wolfgang; Gómez Vilchez, Jonatan J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Mögliche Ausbauschritte für eine Oberleitungsinfrastruktur für den Straßengüterverkehr in Deutschland
Hacker, Florian; Wallace, Robert; Jöhrens, Julius; Speth, Daniel |
Bericht Report
2022 |
Pathways to carbon-free transport in Germany until 2050
Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Krail, Michael; Wietschel, Martin; Oberle, Stella |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Comparing options to electrify heavy-duty vehicles: Findings of German pilot projects
Speth, Daniel; Funke, Simon Á. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
CO2 fleet regulation and the future market diffusion of zero-emission trucks in Europe
Breed, Annelis K.; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Net-zero-carbon transport in Europe until 2050
Plötz, Patrick; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Gnann, Till; Neuner, Felix; Speth, Daniel; Link, Steffen |
Bericht Report
2021 |
Langfristszenarien für die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland 3. Kurzbericht: 3 Hauptszenarien
Sensfuß, Frank; Lux, Benjamin; Bernath, Christiane; Kiefer, Christoph P.; Pfluger, Benjamin; Kleinschmitt, Christoph; Franke, Katja; Deac, Gerda; Brugger, Heike; Fleiter, Tobias; Rehfeldt, Matthias; Herbst, Andrea; Manz, Pia; Neuwirth, Marius; Wietschel, Martin; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Krail, Michael; Mellwig, Peter; Blöhmer, Sebastian; Tersteegen, Bernd; Maurer, Christoph; Ladermann, Alexander; Dröscher, Tom; Willemsen, Sebastian; Müller-Kirchenbauer, Joachim; Giehl, Johannes; Hilaire, Mélissa; Schöngart, Sarah; Kurre, Ashlen; Hollnagel, Jeremias; Mikulicz-Radecki, Flora von |
Bericht Report
2021 |
Allocation scenarios: Homecharging, public charging and an outlook for truck charging
Gauglitz, Philip; Speth, Daniel |
Vortrag Presentation
2021 |
H2 mobility via fuel cell or IC engine: Alternatives for heavy-duty vehicles in Germany and India?
Link, Steffen; Speth, Daniel; Griener, Janik; George, Jan F. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2021 |
Langfristszenarien für die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland. Treibhausgasneutrale Hauptszenarien. Modul Verkehr
Krail, Michael; Speth, Daniel; Gnann, Till; Wietschel, Martin |
Bericht Report
2021 |
How to integrate real-world user behavior into models for the market diffusion of alternative fuels in passenger cars - an in-depth comparison of three models for Germany
Märtz, Alexandra; Speth, Daniel; Fichtner, Wolf; Gnann, Till; Ruppert, Manuel; Seddig, Katrin |
Vortrag Presentation
2021 |
Addressing the gaps in market diffusion modeling of electrical vehicles - A case study from Germany for the integration of environmental policy measures
Van, Tien Linh Cao; Barthelmes, Lukas; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Kagerbauer, Martin |
Bericht Report
2021 |
Oberleitungs-LKW als ein Baustein für ein nachhaltiges Verkehrssystem: Das Projekt eWayBW in Baden-Württemberg
Zembrot, Marcel; Böttiger, Harald; Schollbach, Frank; Flotho, Rainer; Wietschel, Martin; Burghard, Uta; Scherrer, Aline; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick; Fritz, John; Doll, Claus; Brauer, Clemens; Waßmuth, Volker; Köllermeier, Nadine; Schüller, Hagen; Lauer, Martin; Burgert, Tobias; Berg, Lars Fredrik |
Bericht Report
2021 |
Infrastruktur für Elektro-Lkw im Fernverkehr
Plötz, Patrick; Speth, Daniel; Gnann, Till; Scherrer, Aline; Burghard, Uta; Hacker, Florian; Jöhrens, Julius |
Bericht Report
2021 |
Truck stop locations in Europe. Final report
Plötz, Patrick; Speth, Daniel |
Bericht Report
2021 |
A charging infrastructure network for battery electric trucks in Europe
Sauter, Verena; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick; Signer, Tim |
Bericht Report
2020 |
Overhead catenary vehicles in south-west Germany? A regional catenary vehicle network and its implications for electricity demand
Fritz, John; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick |
Vortrag Presentation
2020 |
Integrierte Klimaschutz- und Energiewendeszenarien für Schleswig-Holstein 2030-2050
Deac, Gerda; Kleinschmitt, Christoph; Pfluger, Benjamin; Fleiter, Tobias; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Herbst, Andrea; Kühnbach, Matthias; Speth, Daniel; Gnann, Till |
Bericht Report
2020 |
Hochleistungsschnellladenetz für Elektro-Lkw
Plötz, Patrick; Speth, Daniel; Rose, Philipp |
Bericht Report
2020 |
Comparing options to electrify heavy-duty vehicles. Findings of German pilot projects
Speth, Daniel; Funke, Simon Á. |
Vortrag Presentation
2020 |
Future regional distribution of electric vehicles in Germany
Speth, Daniel; Gnann, Till; Plötz, Patrick; Wietschel, Martin; George, Jan F. |
Vortrag Presentation
2019 |
A techno-economic comparison of battery swap and electric road systems for heavy road transport. A German case study
Speth, Daniel; Funke, Simon Á. |
Vortrag Presentation