Technical Analysis
Argentina is one of a few countries that have revised their NDC after COP21 in 2015. The current version was submitted in 2016 and is based on an updated methodological approach for the GHG inventory and a more comprehensive set of mitigation measures in key sectors. The current NDC presents unconditional and conditional absolute emissions targets of 483 MtCO2e and 369 MtCO2e in 2030, respectively, including the forestry sector. To reach the proposed targets, Argentina developed sector action plans for six key mitigation sectors: Energy, Transport, Forestry, Industry, Agriculture and Land-use, and Infrastructure and Territory. These sector action plans present strategies to implement Argentina’s NDC. We argue that a reduction in investment costs of key mitigation technologies should not lead to savings, i.e. implementation of the same sector action plans at a reduced cost, but ideally would be used as a stepping-stone towards increased ambition. [See project summary]
The analysis of renewable energy targets and investment cost reductions in Argentina shows that the absolute emissions level of Argentina's conditional NDC target could be reduced from 369 MtCO2e to 351-356 MtCO2e in 2030, based on technology cost progressions alone. [See preliminary analysis]
Stakeholder engagement
We have worked closely with country stakeholders throughout the project to verify the data, strengthen our results and inform discussions around the NDC revision process. Due to COVID-19, we were not able to host an in-country workshop, as planned. However, we have carried out virtual bilateral meetings and a joint webinar in the second quarter of 2020 to discuss our findings and their implications in more detail. The discussion revolved around the following topics:
- Are there gaps in the data underlying our analysis? How realistic are the assumptions?
- Are energy sector planners aware of cost progressions and are these being considered in energy sector planning and RE target setting?
- Is Argentina planning to increase RE targets? If not, what are the main barriers?
- At which stage is Argentina in the NDC revision process? Are cost progressions considered in the NDC revision process?
Get involved!
If you wish to get involved, provide feedback or additional thoughts, please reach out to the contacts provided to the right. We will be happy to continue the discussion!
Marie-Jeanne Kurdziel,
Leonardo Nascimento,
For additional information, please also visit the NewClimate project website