Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2021 |
City lab Saltillo, Mexico. City profile summary report
Ordonez, Jose Antonio; Diaz Barrera, Ange Catalina; García, Xanin; Villareal, Carmina; Santillán, E.; Reyes, R.; Beckett, Marc; Cruz, M.; Fernandez, T.; Huertas, José I.; Stöffler, Sonja; Castaneda, Roberto; Mogro, Antonio; Serrano, O.; Garcia, J.C.; Henao, J.J.; Pudlik, Martin; Müller, Viktor Paul; Valle del Bosque, G. de; Mejia, M.J.G.; Mok, S.; Vivas, A.M.; Baez, M. |
Bericht Report
2021 |
Green hydrogen applications in Mongolia
Nilsson, Anna; Vivero, Gustavo de; Lopez Legarreta, Pablo; Day, Thomas; Pudlik, Martin; Seyfang, Bernhard; Dugarjav, Bayasgalan |
Bericht Report
2021 |
City Lab Piura, Peru
Fernandez Lopez, Trinidad; Schroeder, Stella; Stöffler, Sonja; Garcia Perez, Jose Carlos; Villegas Cornejo, Joel Antoni; Zavala Salazar, María Daniela de los Ángeles; Eufracio Lucio, Diego; Atarama Mondragón, Edson Aldair; Torres Gomez, Rafael Angel; Ordonez, Jose Antonio; Guillen Herrera, Oscar Williams; Pudlik, Martin; Rodríguez Amorocho, Hernando; Mok, Sophie; Hernández Valle, Gisella; Martínez Hidalgo, Edsmilda; Báez, Maria; Umana, Gabriel |
Bericht Report
2021 |
City Lab Piura, Peru
Fernandez Lopez, Trinidad; Schroeder, Stella; Stöffler, Sonja; Garcia Perez, Jose Carlos; Villegas Cornejo, Joel Antoni; Zavala Salazar, María Daniela de los Ángeles; Eufracio Lucio, Diego; Atarama Mondragón, Edson Aldair; Torres Gomez, Rafael Angel; Ordonez, Jose Antonio; Guillen Herrera, Oscar Williams; Pudlik, Martin; Rodríguez Amorocho, Hernando; Mok, Sophie; Hernández Valle, Gisella; Martínez Hidalgo, Edsmilda; Báez, Maria; Umana, Gabriel |
Bericht Report
2018 |
Integration of small-scale batteries into future electricity markets
Stahl, Benjamin; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Klobasa, Marian; Manz, Pia; Pudlik, Martin |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2016 |
Prices and costs of EU energy. Final report
Grave, Katharina; Breitschopf, Barbara; Ordonez, Jose; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Boeve, Sil; Smith, Matthew; Schubert, Torben; Friedrichsen, Nele; Herbst, Andrea; Eckartz, Katharina; Pudlik, Martin; Bons, Marian; Ragwitz, Mario; Schleich, Joachim |
Bericht Report
2016 |
Marco político de largo plazo para la eficiencia energética
Creuheras, Santiago; Reyes, Gabriela; Mosqueda Hernández, Carolina; et. al. |
Buch Book
2016 |
Fraunhofer Zukunftsthemen "SUPERGRID". Supergrid - Ansatz für die Integration von Erneuerbaren Energien in Europa und Nordafrika
Platzer, Werner; Boie, Inga; Ragwitz, Mario; Kost, Christoph; Thoma, Jürgen; Vogel, Axel; Fluri, Thomas; Pfeiffer, Wulf; Burmeister, Frank; Tham, Nils; Pudlik, Martin; Bohn, Sven; Agsten, Michael; Bretschneider, Peter; Westermann, Dirk; Kranzer, Dirk; Schlegl, Thomas |
Bericht Report
2016 |
Bewertung des Potenzials für den Einsatz der hocheffizienten KWK und der effizienten Fernwärme- und Fernkälteversorgung
Klobasa, Marian; Steinbach, Jan; Pudlik, Martin |
Bericht Report
2016 |
Fraunhofer topics of the future "SUPERGRID". Supergrid - Approach for the integration of renewable energy in Europe and North Africa
Platzer, Werner; Boie, Inga; Ragwitz, Mario; Kost, Christoph; Thoma, Jürgen; Vogel, Axel; Fluri, Thomas; Pfeiffer, Wulf; Burmeister, Frank; Tham, Nils; Pudlik, Martin; Bohn, Sven; Agsten, Michael; Bretschneider, Peter; Westermann, Dirk; Kranzer, Dirk; Schlegl, Thomas |
Bericht Report
2016 |
The market value of renewable electricity - which factors really matter?
Winkler, Jenny; Pudlik, Martin; Ragwitz, Mario; Pfluger, Benjamin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2016 |
Opportunities and challenges of high renewable energy deployment and electricity exchange for North Africa and Europe - scenarios for power sector and transmission infrastructure in 2030 and 2050
Boie, Inga; Kost, Christoph; Bohn, Sven; Agsten, Michael; Bretschneider, Peter; Snigovyi, Oleksandr; Pudlik, Martin; Ragwitz, Mario; Schlegl, Thomas; Westermann, Dirk |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2016 |
Wirkungen des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien. Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben
Breitschopf, Barbara; Kockat, Judit; Klobasa, Marian; Pfaff, Matthias; Pudlik, Martin; Sensfuß, Frank; Sievers, Luisa; Steinbach, Jan; Diekmann, Jochen; Schill, Wolf-Peter; Lehr, Ulrike; Drosdowski, Thomas; Horst, Juri |
Bericht Report
2016 |
Impact of RE policy on energy security in the German heating sector
Breitschopf, Barbara; Lau, Markus; Schlotz, Alexander; Pudlik, Martin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2016 |
Determinación de la línea base de consumo energético y potenciales de eficiencia energética sectoriales en México
Ordonez, Jose Antonio; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Pudlik, Martin |
Buch Book
2015 |
The 4th ASEAN Energy Outlook 2013 - 2035
| Sammelband Anthology
2015 |
Distribution network tariffs - the effect of decentralized generation and auto-consumption
Friedrichsen, Nele; Klobasa, Marian; Pudlik, Martin |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
Auswirkungen des Merit-Order-Effektes auf Strompreise für Verbraucher
Pudlik, Martin |
Bericht Report
2015 |
Electricity costs of energy intensive industries
Grave, Katharina; Hazrat, Mandana; Boeve, Sil; Blücher, Felix von; Bourgault, Charles; Breitschopf, Barbara; Friedrichsen, Nele; Arens, Marlene; Aydemir, Ali; Pudlik, Martin; Duscha, Vicki; Ordonez, Jose; Lutz, Christian; Großmann, Anett; Flaute, Markus |
Studie Study
2015 |
Estimating energy system costs of sectoral RES and EE targets in the context of energy and climate targets for 2030
Held, Anne; Ragwitz, Mario; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Sensfuß, Frank; Pudlik, Martin; Pfluger, Benjamin; Resch, Gustav; Olmos, Luis; Ramos, Andrés; Rivier, Michel; Kost, Christoph; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Peter, Frank; Veum, Karina; Slobbe, Johann; Joode, Jeroen de |
Bericht Report
2015 |
Sub-report 1: Green niche-innovations in the German electricity system. Deliverable D2.1 - Analysis of green niche-innovations and their momentum in the two pathways
| Bericht Report
2014 |
Technology policy for wind and solar energy in Egypt
Boie, Inga; Pudlik, Martin; Ragwitz, Mario |
Buch Book
2014 |
Scenarios for renewable energy deployment in North African countries and electricity exchange with Europe - a model-based analysis for 2050
Boie, Inga; Pudlik, Martin; Ragwitz, Mario; Sensfuss, F.; Bohn, Sven; Agsten, Michael; Bretschneider, Peter; Westermann, Dirk |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2013 |
Ausbaustrategien für erneuerbare Energien in Nordafrika
Boie, Inga; Kost, Christoph; Pudlik, Martin; Ragwitz, Mario; Schlegl, Thomas; Sensfuß, Frank; Mende, Florian |
Buch Book
2013 |
Promotion of renewable energy technologies on the demand side
Boie, Inga; Ragwitz, Mario; Pudlik, Martin |
Bericht Report
2013 |
Basel III and solvency II: Are the risk margins for investments in PV and wind adequate?
Breitschopf, Barbara; Pudlik, Martin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article