What job effects does electric mobility have?

Research questions

  • How does switching to e-mobility affect the demand for workers and value creation structures in the automobile industry and its upstream sectors?
  • What are the opportunities and risks for specific regions, production clusters and industries?
  • When taking a systemic view of sustainable mobility, what are the effects on value creation, jobs and qualifications?
  • How can the affected parties successfully shape structural change?


Employment effects of sustainable mobility

The project aims to analyze the employment effects of sustainable mobility in Germany until 2035. The focus is on quantifying employment effects in disaggregated form, i.e. with regional resolution, by industry sector and assigned to different modes of transport and related industries such as the IT sector.

Transformation of value creation in the automotive sector

Globalization, digitization and the need for more environmental and climate protection are developing the power to change our forms of consumption, accelerate technology change and fundamentally restructure established value chains. The aim is to examine the transformative effects of the interplay of these three forces taking the current situation in the automotive sector as a starting point.

Strategies and recommendations for ecological structural change towards a green economy

Complying with our planet's ecological boundaries and pursuing global and national sustainability goals require deep transformation of existing supply and production structures. This project uses case studies and a broad industry screening to find out which economic sectors are under particular pressure to change and how to design policies for successful ecological structural change.

Environmental Protection as an Economic Factor

It is very important to have reliable and up-to-date information concerning the economic importance of environmental protection and innovation activities in order to design environmental policy measures in an innovation-friendly way and ease their implementation. Indicators on employment effects, production, foreign trade, environmental research and patents are regularly compiled within the project family “Environmental protection as an economic factor“.

Further projects

  • Industry Outlook Automotive 2030+ with a focus on East Germany for the Stiftung Arbeit und Umwelt (Foundation for Labour and Environment)
