Dr. Malte Busch

Joint Innovation Hub

Dr. Malte Busch studied International Management at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology and the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas in Lima. After attaining his master's in International Management at Strathclyde University Business School in Glasgow in 2014, he completed his doctorate on stakeholder influence and corporate social responsibility in the automotive industry at the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS) at Coventry University between 2015 and 2018.

In addition to his doctorate, he worked as a freelancer for MayConsult on projects with a focus on China. From October 2018 to August 2019 he worked as a lecturer at the Coventry Business School and was involved in projects related to the automotive industry.

Malte Busch joined the newly established Joint Innovation Hub at Fraunhofer ISI in Karlsruhe in September 2019. His research interests include strategic innovation management, organizational development, and systematic stakeholder assessment.

Since September 2019, Malte Busch has been working in the newly founded Joint Innovation Hub at Fraunhofer ISI in Karlsruhe. His research interests include strategic innovation management, organizational development, and stakeholder engagement.

    • Organisational innovation processes 
    • Systemic stakeholder analyses; roles of actors in innovation ecosystems 
    • Strategy development & strategic foresight: Visioning, scenario analyses, roadmapping processes 
    • Knowledge management: structures, processes and corporate culture
    • Successful transformation through innovation at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (since 2022) 
    • "Strategic Management" module in the International Business Management programme at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society 
    • "Strategic Management" module in the MBA International Business Management programme at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
    • Busch, Malte; Hübscher, Valerie; Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. (2024): Die Bildung von Innovationsökosystemen – Chancen nutzen und Zukünfte gestalten mit Innovationen. ZInsO 36/2024, S. 1740 - 1744.
    • Duwe, D.; Busch, M. (2024): Bürgerdialog Mobilitätsdaten - Zwischenbericht. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI.
    • Busch, M.; Duwe, D. (2023): Artificial intelligence in innovation processes - A study using the example of an innovation research institute. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI.
    • Busch, Malte; Bissling, Renaud; Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. (2023): With Open Innovation towards value-generating ecosystems. In: I. Bitran, L. Bitetti, S. Conn, J. Fishburn, E. Huizingh, P. Ritala, M. Torkkeli, & J. Yang (Eds.). Proceedings of the XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 04-07 June 2023. ISBN: 978‐952‐65069‐3‐7.
    • Duwe, Daniel; Busch, Malte; Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. (2022): Enabling the Metaverse - Whitepaper zu internationalen Nutzerpräferenzen, Geschäftsmodellen und Innovationsprozessen im Metaverse. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI.
    • Almeida, Andre; Busch, Malte; Thorpe, Daniel (2022): Mit Wandlungsfähigkeit in die Zukunft. In: Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. (Hrsg.). Zukunftsnavigator Deutschland. Springer Gabler, S. 95-11.
    • Busch, Malte, Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. (2021): Mit Stakeholder-Management zu Innovation. Wie können mittelständische Unternehmen durch den Stakeholder-Navigator zu höherer Innovationsperformance gelangen? Der Betriebswirt 62 (4), S. 227 – 239.
    • Busch, Malte, Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. (2021): Ambidextre Unternehmen sind innovativer & erfolgreicher. Wissensmanagement (1), S. 42-44.
    • Busch, Malte; Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. (2020): Mit Ambidexterität durch unruhige Zeiten – Wie können Unternehmen mit organisationaler Ambidexterität den Wandel erfolgreich gestalten? Der Betriebswirt 61 (4), S. 217–230.
    • Beyer, Daniela; Busch, Malte; Heine, Thomas; Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion (2020): Innovationen für den Mittelstand. Digitale Transformationsstrategien verstehen. Trend-Report (Hrsg.). Handbuch Digitaler Mittelstand. Away Media GmbH, S. 57-63.
    • Busch, Malte (2019): Coventry at War: Industrial Relations, Ownership and Production, in: Begley, Jason; Donnelly, Tom; Jarvis, David; & Sissons, Paul (Hrsg.). Revival of a City: Coventry in a Globalising World. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History). Palgrave Macmillan, S. 41-66.
    • Busch, Malte (2018): The Influence of Non-Governmental Organisations on a Multinational Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Approach during a Crisis (Dissertation, Strategisches Management). Coventry University.
    • Busch, Malte (2018): The Influence of Non-Governmental Organisations on a Multinational Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Approach during a Crisis. British Academy of Management Doctoral Symposium (03.09.2018, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England).
    • Busch, Malte (2015): Analysis of how MNCs’ CSR Approaches are Impacted by Institutions: A Study of German Automotive Manufacturers. In: 4th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business. [online] Athens: ASE Publishing, S.11.
    • Busch, Malte (2015): Analysis of how MNCs’ CSR Approaches are Impacted by Formal Institutions. PhD Seminar. 3rd International CSR Communication Conferencen (17.-19.09.2015, Universität Ljubljana).