Chris Brück

Scientific Officer to the Director

Chris Brück studied Geography (B.Sc.) and Economic Geography and Spatial Development Policy (M.Sc.) at the Justus Liebig University Giessen and at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. Following his studies, he joined the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography at Leibniz University Hannover as a research assistant in 2021, where he worked in both research and teaching. He completed his doctorate as part of a BMBF research project and his dissertation focussed on the state control of green and digital innovation processes in China.

Since March 2025, Chris Brück has been working as a Scientific Officer to the Director at Fraunhofer ISI in Karlsruhe. In this role, he contributes his expertise to the focus topics of innovation, digitalisation and sustainability. As an economic geographer, an interdisciplinary and spatial perspective on transformation processes and innovations is particularly important to him.