Dr. Steffen Preissler

Head of the Department of Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Deputy Head of the Department of Regional Development and Innovation Policy

Dr. Steffen Preissler studied political science, law and sociology in Leipzig, Olomouc (Czech Republic) and Samara (Russia). He then worked as a research assistant at the Center for International Economic Relations (ZIW) in Leipzig and joined the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW in 2006. Since then, he has designed and managed various national and international projects (e.g. EU, BMBF, BMWi). Since 2008, he has been Head of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Department, which has been part of Fraunhofer ISI in Leipzig since January 1, 2025, and holds a lectureship at Leipzig University. In 2020, Dr. Steffen Preissler was appointed Deputy Director of the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW by the Executive Board of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, a position he held until the partial closure of the institute.

Since 2010, he has been a consultant for various ministries in the Czech Republic and Germany, funding organizations (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG) and in 2012 and 2018 as a short-term consultant for the World Bank. In 2015, he was commissioned by the EU Commission as an “Independent Expert” as part of the new “Policy Support Facility” to develop recommendations for the further development of the Bulgarian research and innovation system as part of a 10-member team of experts on the initiative of the Bulgarian government. In 2016, he completed his doctorate at the Faculty of Economics at Leipzig University on the topic of “Interorganizational knowledge and technology transfer. A transactional economic analysis between market and hierarchy”. Since 2019, he has been involved in the “Digital Business Models” working group of the Industry 4.0 platform: “Sino-German Company Working Group on Industry 4.0 and Intelligent Manufacturing (AGU)”.

    • Knowledge and technology transfer
    • Research management (strategy and organization)
    • Preissler, S. (2021). Eröffnungsrede und Paneldiskussionsteilnehmer. (Paneldiskussion: "Developing Transfer Concepts in Applied R&D Projects") Bilateraler Workshop: 2nd German-Greek Workshop on Knowledge and Technology Transfer (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung & General Secretariat for Research and Innovation Greece). Online. 30.6.2021.
    • Preissler, S. (2021). Wissens- und Technologietransfer als Gegenstand strategischer Bewertungen und Entscheidungen. Guest lecture, Technical University Chemnitz. 6.5.2021
    • Preissler, S. (2021). 5G the fifth generation technology standard. Vortrag, Webkonferenz "Web we can". Rennes University (France). 13.1.2021
    • Preissler, S. (2020). Value Networks as the Foundation for Digital Business Models. Keynote, web conference "Business Model Innovation in Times of COVID-19 – Insights from Germany and China". Online. 12.10.2020
    • Preissler, S. (2019). Opening speech and moderating three working groups: "Transfer Co‐Creator: Who Is Involved in the Transfer?", "Create a Common Transfer Vision: What Shall Be Transferred?", "From Research to Market: How the Results Can Be Transferred?". German‐Greek Workshop on Knowledge and Technology Transfer. Athens (Greece). 11.-13.6.2019. 
    • Preissler, S. (2019). Expert forum 1: "Unser Europa für mehr Innovation & Wertschöpfung in Sachsen". Panelist, 14th Think Tank of the CDU Saxony (> 1,000 participants). Dresden. 17.5.2019.  
    • Preissler, S. (2018). Wissens- und Technologietransfer in Zeiten der Digitalisierung. Transfer workshop focusing on "Innovationen aus der Wissenschaft – Wer macht den ersten Schritt?". Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Berlin. 15.-16.11.2018.
    • Preissler, S. (2018). Bulgaria – A Role Model for Technological Success? Workshop "Transforming the Transformation? – Economic and Social Development in Central and Eastern Europe". Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), Fraunhofer IMW. Leipzig. 28.-30.11.2018.
    • Preissler, S. (2018). Marktchance Afrika: Frugale Innovationen im Sektor Umwelttechnologie. Keynote, Country special South Africa at IFAT 2018. Munich. 16.5.2018. 
    • Preissler, S. (2018). Panelist "From Lab to Market: How to commercialise innovations, an interactive panel". Smart specialization and technology transfer as innovation drivers for regional growth. Sofia (Bulgaria). 4.5.2018. 
    • Preissler, S. (2018). Technological Commercialization Model of Fraunhofer. Korean Innovation Model, Technology Commercialization Model of Fraunhofer and Lessons for Bulgaria. Sofia (Bulgaria). 20.3.2018. 
    • Preissler, S. (2012). Technology Transfer of public funded research organizations. Scientific workshop. "Topical Issues of Economics and Management in the Context of Globalization: German and Russian Experience". Kazan 2010/11.
  • Jahr
    Publication Type
    2020 Value Networks as the Foundation for Digital Business Models - Use Cases from Germany and China
    Falk, Svenja; An, Lin; Anderl, Reiner; Beermann, Henrik; Gao, Zihe; Li, Junhai; Preissler, Steffen; Shi-Kupfer, Kristin
    2018 Künstliche Intelligenz - Eine Einordnung
    Posselt, Thorsten; Döbel, Inga; Molina Vogelsang, Manuel; Preissler, Steffen; Riemer, Annamaria; Welz, Juliane
    Journal Article
    2017 Die Transformation der weltweiten Wirtschaft durch die Digitalisierung
    Posselt, Thorsten; Preissler, Steffen
    Journal Article
    2017 Gemeinsame Potenziale nutzen
    Abdelkafi, Nizar; Thuns, Marina; Bezerra Hartmann, Mayra; Preissler, Steffen
    Aufsatz in Buch
    Book Article
    2016 Interorganisationaler Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Eine transaktionsökonomische Analyse zwischen Markt und Hierarchie
    Preissler, Steffen
    Doctoral Thesis
    2016 Wege zur Stärkung der wirtschaftlichen Verwertung aus der Wissenschaft
    Lehmann, Harald; Schmitz, Velina; Kehrer, Julian; Preissler, Steffen; Preissler, Anzhela; Riemer, Annamaria; Rockel, Jens; Zirkova, Inga
    2008 Forschung für die Nachhaltigkeit - FONA Mitteilungen L2L-Folgeprozess Kooperation mit den Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas
    Preissler, Steffen; Kohlmann, Romy
    Journal Article
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