Discussion Papers Innovation Systems and Policy Analysis

Discussion Papers Innovation Systems and Policy Analysis of the Department of Innovation and Knowledge Economy with the participation of staff of the Department of Policy and Society


ISSN 1612-1430

No. 84
Torben Schubert, Henning Kroll, Maria Karaulova, Knut Blind
Does New Public Management repel Talent? Findings from a Choice Experiment among German Researchers
Karlsruhe 2024

No. 83
Nils B. Heyen, Andrea Zenker, Heike Aichinger, Tanja Bratan, Tanja Kaufmann, Esther Schnabl
Innovation without growth? Exploring the (in)dependency of innovation on economic growth
Die in diesem Papier vorgestellten Untersuchungen wurden in den Jahren 2022 und 2023 durchgeführt und im Sommer 2023 abgeschlossen.
Karlsruhe 2024

No. 80
Thomas Jackwerth-Rice, Nof Afghani, Stephanie Daimer, Ralf Lindner, Florian Wittmann 
Public sector organisations as agents of transformations - A framework for analysing structural changes within Public Sector Organisations (PSO)
Karlsruhe 2023

No. 78
Susanne Bührer, Florian Roth
Entwicklung eines gestaltungsorientierten Evaluations- und Monitoring-Systems zur Erfassung komplexer Wirkungen
Karlsruhe 2023

No. 75
Florian Roth, Florian Wittmann, Miriam Hufnagl, Ralf Lindner
Putting Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies to Work: A case study of the German High-Tech Strategy 2025
Karlsruhe 2022

No. 74
Susanne Bührer, Alexander Feidenheimer, Rainer Walz, Ralf Lindner, Bernd Beckert, Elisa Wallwaey
Concepts and methods to measure societal impacts  – an overview
Karlsruhe 2022

No. 71
Florian Wittmann, Miriam Hufnagl, Florian Roth, Merve Yorulmaz, Ralf Lindner
From mission definition to implementation: Conceptualizing mission-oriented policies as a multi-stage translation process
Karlsruhe 2021

No. 70
Jakob Edler, Knut Blind, Henning Kroll, Torben Schubert
Technology Sovereignty as an Emerging Frame for Innovation Policy - Defining Rationales, Ends and Means
Karlsruhe 2021

No. 64
Florian Wittmann, Miriam Hufnagl, Ralf Lindner, Florian Roth, Jakob Edler
Developing a Typology for Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies
Karlsruhe 2020

No. 57
Stephanie Daimer, Miriam Hufnagl, Rainer Frietsch, Ralf Lindner, Peter Neuhäusler, Oliver Rothengatter
Die Leistungsfähigkeit des deutschen Innovationssystems – Eine Bilanz der Patentaktivitäten nach zehn Jahren Hightech-Strategie
Karlsruhe 2018

No. 52
Ralf Lindner, Stephanie Daimer, Bernd Beckert, Nils Heyen, Jonathan Köhler, Benjamin Teufel, Philine Warnke, Sven Wydra
Addressing directionality: Orientation failure and the systems of innovation heuristic. Towards reflexive governance
Karlsruhe 2016

No. 49
Philine Warnke, Knut Koschatzky, Ewa Dönitz, Andrea Zenker, Thomas Stahlecker, Oliver Som, Kerstin Cuhls, Sandra Güth
Opening up the innovation system framework towards new actors and institutions
Karlsruhe 2016

No. 28
Peter Neuhäusler, Rainer Frietsch, Torben Schubert, Knut Blind
Patents and the financial performance of firms – An analysis based on stock market data
Karlsruhe 2011

No. 18
Emmanuel Muller, Andrea Zenker, Jean-Alain Héraud
France: Innovation System and Innovation Policy 
Karlsruhe 2009