
Structural change through innovation

The research project “Structural change through innovation“ aims to raise the knowledge base on the topic of the innovation-based regional structural change and the possibilities structurally weak and weaker regions by measures taken to promote innovation to a dynamic growth path and to contribute to reducing regional disparities, to broaden and present new research results on this topic. The aim is to gain knowledge and insights by expanding the knowledge base on the topic “innovation-based structural change“, by identifying and revising models of good practice on respective support measures nationally and internationally, and by developing and reflecting funding approaches as well as making insights from these research projects available to a wide circle of interested parties.

The project is divided into the following three analysis elements: 1. knowledge basis, 2. analysis, 3. reflection. In analysis element 1 the expansion of the knowledge on processes of the structural change and the framework conditions which influence it is in the focus (systemic and target group oriented compilation and processing of information and bodies of knowledge, experiences, assessments as well as examples of good practice at home and abroad). Analysis element 2 depicts the empirical research basis of the project. Here 16 pilot projects as case studies which were supported as part of the development of an all-German funding system for structurally weak regions and to explore new funding formats and to further develop enterprises in the region are the basis. Analysis element 3 serves to reflect on gained insights. Research results are reflected by workshop formats and contribute to result processing and to the diffusion of research results in science, politics and the interested expert public.

The generated results are directly made available to the case study regions (pilot projects) via workshop formats and personal conversations for use. Thus they support the implementation and promote the sustainability of the project activities in their regional environments. In addition the research results are used and published in scientific events (workshops), in lectures, in university teaching, as well as in the format “publication workshop“ which is subsequently published in two anthologies, one of which is in English. They are thereby made available for use and further processing to politics (federal government, federal states, municipalities), science and a broad public.


Koschatzky, K.; Stahlecker, T. (eds.) (2019): Innovation-based Regional Change in Europe: Chances, Risks and Policy Implications. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.

Koschatzky, K.; Stahlecker, T.; Kroll, H.; Meyborg, M.; Schnable, E. (2019): Ergebnisbericht der Begleitforschung "Pilot Strukturwandel - Strukturwandel durch Innovation". Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI.

Koschatzky, K.; Kroll, H. (2019): Innovationsbasierter regionaler Strukturwandel – Strukturschwache Regionen in Deutschland (= Arbeitspapiere Unternehmen und Region Nr. R1/2019). Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI.

Koschatzky, K.; Stahlecker, T. (Hrsg.) (2018): Innovationsbasierter regionaler Strukturwandel in Deutschland - Chancen, Risiken und politische Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.

Stahlecker, T.; Koschatzky, K.; Kroll, H. (2018): Innovationsbasierter regionaler Wandel in Europa – Herausforderungen und politischer Handlungsrahmen in unterschiedlichen regionalen Kontexten (= Arbeitspapiere Unternehmen und Region Nr. R3/2018). Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI.

Koschatzky, K.; Kroll, H.; Meyborg, M.; Schnabl, E.; Stahlecker, T. (2018): Politische Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung von innovationsbasiertem regionalen Strukturwandel (= Arbeitspapiere Unternehmen und Region Nr. R2/2018). Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI.

Koschatzky, K. (2018): Innovation-based regional structural change – Theoretical reflections, empirical findings and political implications (= Working Papers Firms and Region No. R1/2018). Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI.


RIS3 strategies of the federal states




  • Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH