
SMEs 4.0 – Competence center Stuttgart

Establishing competence centers to disseminate information and demonstrate best-practice examples has an important role to play in supporting the widespread digitalization of industry (Industry 4.0 and Smart Services) and advancing this in the long term. This is specifically aimed at the target group of small and medium-sized enterprises, skilled trades and craftsmen, especially in important future markets and fields.

The primary focus of the planned project is to design and set up a “Digitalization advice center for SMEs in Baden-Württemberg“ in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. This should act as an exchange and demonstration hub linking the two cities Stuttgart and Karlsruhe with each other and regional locations as the first easily accessible point of contact for local firms. The foundation for this is an interactive platform where the partners and the target group exchange ideas and information, and a specially designed training program for SMEs, skilled trades and craftsmen that integrates existing and selected additional demonstration centers in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

The main issues of the competence center include applications of digitalization in production, mobility, construction processes, building technology, health services and medical technology.

The widespread transfer of existing technologies, practical solutions and experiences concerning the digitalization of work and value added processes to SMEs, skilled trades and craftsmen is the primary objective of the integrated “Digitalization advice center for SMEs in Baden-Württemberg“ (“DigiRegioBW“). This will be managed through the concerted activity of existing partners based on the utilization of existing solutions that are easy and simple to access and suitable for SMEs. Regional and national actors that are linked with each other in shared value-added chains are the main addressees.

Process development and introductory strategy:

  • Survey and analysis of the specific requirements and concerns of the later users in the form of several workshops with the close involvement of representative companies
  • Development of a simple system to monitor the different and constantly changing contents and possibilities at the different companies and institutes
  • Working out the model stages to design the competence center and the range of services offered
  • Selecting and adapting existing concepts to assess the economic efficiency of new digitally-induced business models for SMEs, craftsmen and skilled trades.




  • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.


   Fraunhofer IAO (Gesamtkoordination)

   Fraunhofer IPA

   Fraunhofer IOSB

   FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

   Cyberforum e.V.


   RKW  Baden-Württemberg

   BDMA Baden-Württemberg

   Baden-Württembergischer Handwerkstag (BWHT)

   Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) in Baden-Württemberg (assoziierter Partner)
