Dr. Niklas Sieber


Dissertation in economics in 1996 on “Economic Impacts of Appropriate Transport in Tanzania“ at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Previous postgraduate studies in regional planning at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Niklas Sieber has 31 years of professional experience in transport policy advice, evaluation, research and education. Since 2021 he has been working as Researcher at Fraunhofer ISI in the Department of Sustainability and Infrastructure Systems in the Business Unit Mobility.

    • Senior Expert for transport and environment with a specialisation on sustainable urban transport, transport planning and management of transport systems
    • Senior Consultant for transport policy advice, organization and management and human capacities
    • University Lecturer with extensive experience in transport, management and development policy
    • Specialist in the interaction between traffic and spatial planning with a focus on traffic avoidance and non-motorized traffic
    • Senior Expert on Transport and Poverty Reduction in rural areas of Developing Countries
    • KLIMAMOBILITÄTSPLÄNE, Kommunale und regionale Pläne zum Klimaschutz im Verkehr. Vortrag für den VCD Baden-Württemberg, am 18.04.2020. http://www.niklas-sieber.de/Presentations/VCD_SUMP_%2020-04-18.pdf.
    • RURAL TRANSPORT, Indispensable to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries, 21.02.2019. http://www.niklas-sieber.de/Presentations/SDG%20and%20Rural%20Transport%2019-02-21.pdf.
    • Sieber, N. and P. Njenga (2019): Modern Logistics for High Value Products in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Oortwijn, Dima (ed) Urban and Rural Poverty; Prevalence, Reduction Strategies and Challenges, New York.
    • Doll, C. et al. (2019): European Rail Freight Corridors for Europe, Summary Report 3 for the LowCarb-RFC Project. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI.
    • Sieber, N. and H. Allen (2016): Impacts of Rural Roads on Poverty and Equity. In: Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific, No. 86, Sustainable Rural Access.
    • Sieber, N. (2011): Fighting Corruption in the Road Transport Sector, Lessons for Developing Countries, GIZ Sustainable Urban Transport Technical Document #10.
    • Sieber, N. (2009): Leapfrogging from Rural Hubs to New Markets, Rural Transport in Developing Countries, Freight Transport For Development Toolkit, The World Bank, Washington DC.
    • Sieber, N. und G. Würdemann (2004): Raumwirksamkeitsanalyse in der Bundesverkehrswegeplanung 2003. In: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 6.2004, pp. 365-377.
    • Sieber, N. und C. Walther (2002): Wirtschaftlichkeit alternativer Bedienungsformen. In: Internationales Verkehrswesen, Nr. 9, pp. 434ff.
    • Sieber, N. (2000): Durch Raumplanung Verkehr vermeiden. In: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Verkehr in Stadt und Region, Forschungs- und Sitzungsberichte 211, Hannover, pp. 134-147.
  • Jahr
    Publication Type
    2024 Klimawirkungen von Maßnahmen im Verkehr
    Sieber, Niklas; Krail, Michael; Hölzemann, Charlotte
    2022 Mögliche Maßnahmen zur Senkung der Ölimporte aus Russland und Auswirkungen eines Treibstoff-Rabatts
    Sieber, Niklas; Doll, Claus; Brauer, Clemens; Köhler, Jonathan; Krail, Michael; Sievers, Luisa
    Journal Article
    2019 From local to European low emission freight concepts
    Doll, Claus; Köhler, Jonathan; Sievers, Luisa; Grimm, Anna; Horvat, Djerdj; Eiband, Agnes; Görtz, Dorothe; Remmert, Maximiliane; Klukas, Achim; Maibach, Markus; Petry, Christoph; Schade, Wolfgang; Mader, Simon; Hassel, Edwin van; Vanelslander, Thierry; Kenny, Samuel; Sieber, Niklas
    2018 Sustainability impacts of mode shift scenarios on major European corridors
    Sieber, Niklas; Doll, Claus; Köhler, Jonathan; Hassel, Edwin van; Vaneslander, Thierry
    2018 European freight scenarios and impacts
    Doll, Claus; Köhler, Jonathan; Schade, Wolfgang; Mader, Simon; Hassel, Edwin van; Vanelslander, Thierry; Sieber, Niklas
    2012 Reducing railway noise pollution
    Clausen, Uwe; Doll, Claus; Franklin, Francis J.; Franklin, Gordana V.; Rothengatter, Werner; Sieber, Niklas
    2006 Impacts of and responses to congestion
    Schade, W.; Maibach, M.; Peter, M.; Sutter, D.; Sieber, N.
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