European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies 2 (RISIS 2)
The main aim of RISIS2 is to provide a research infrastructure for science and innovation policy studies. To that end, data is standardised, linked, newly collected, different data sources merged, and analytical tools developed. In addition, RISIS2 offers a support infrastructure to interested researchers, providing access to data on request and training of how to use the data and the infrastructure.
Within the RISIS2 project, Fraunhofer ISI is creating two key datasets that will be available as stand-alone sources for further STI studies. These are:
- A database on trademarks filed at the EUIPO since 2000 onwards
- A dataset on academic patents (university-filed and university-invented, which allows us to draw a more complete picture of universities' patent output by also taking into account inventions that were created within the university but filed by a company).
Both datasets will be merged with existing firm and university-level datasets that are already available within the RISIS2 context. For further information on RISIS2 see