The use of the EUIPO Trademark System by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - Motives, Structures and Future Developments
In this project, Fraunhofer ISI analyses structures and motives for SMEs to file trademarks at the EUIPO. The results of the research project are supposed to highlight the importance of SMEs for the innovation process and guide the EUIPO towards expected future trends. Furthermore, we aim to deliver insights on what could attract SMEs to file a trademark. We will use a link between the EUIPO trademark database, that we have set-up as an offline SQL database with most recent data from the EUIPO, and BvDs ORBIS database to identify SME applicants, taking also their ownership into account. Furthermore, we use our ORBIS-PATSTAT link to take further IP rights into account. In addition, we will make use of an in-depth classification of trademarks based on trademark keywords that goes far beyond what is possible with the 45 NICE classes.