
Documentation and analysis of bibliometric indicators

The pact for research and innovation (PRI) is an agreement between the federal government and the states on the one hand and five science and research organisations on the other. For the first time, the PRI became effective for the period 2006-2010 (Phase I) and since then it has been in effect for periods of 5 years (phase II: 2011-2015; phase III: 2016-2020) and extended or newly agreed for a 10-year period until 2030. The pact for research and innovation gives the science and research organizations financial planning security through agreed annual increments of the institutional grants. In return, the pact partners have committed themselves to common research policy goals. For the current fourth phase, the project partners have agreed to five central research political goals. These are: 1. Promote dynamic development. 2. Strengthen transfer in industry and society. 3. Deepen networks. 4. Attract and retain the best brains. 5. Strengthen infra structures for research. The object of the project is to write an annual report in each of the years between 2022 and 2026 for four non-university research organizations, which is based on the analyses of bibliometric indicators and is also able to classify the entire German science system and its development in an international comparison. This monitoring report reverts exclusively on bibliometric indicators. These are not able to compile all of the aims of the pact equally, in their entirety and in all aspects or to describe the developments of the non-university research organizations and the universities in a national and international comparison. However, this is neither the objective nor the approach of this report. Rather, the aim of this report is to provide bibliometric indicators for all non-university research organizations in Germany, using standardized methods. They provide empirical facts for the organizations themselves, the joint science conference as well as an interested public for their respective own evaluation. The bibliometric monitoring which since 2010 has been part of the regular reporting within the framework of the pact monitoring report. It is accordingly primarily based on the research policy goals that have existed for some time and has the task of recording the trends and dynamics and classifying them both nationally and internationally.

The bibliometric monitoring report on the pact for research and innovation IV has the goal to make available bibliometric indicators, which have been derived using uniform methods for all non-university research organisations in Germany. They make available empirical facts for the respective own evaluation for the organisations themselves, the joint science conference as well as an interested public. It has the task to record the trends and dynamics and to classify them nationally and internationally.


Bibliometrics, data analytics


The results of the analyses are documented in annual reports and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research will publish them on its website. (




Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)