
Study on research activities in the focus areas of the BMW Group's innovation strategy

In order to strengthen its innovative capability, the BMW Group aims to intensify transnational innovation cooperation with international research institutions. In this context, we conducted a bibliometric study on worldwide research and pre-development activities along the BMW Group's thematic focus areas. The study analyzed the current innovation landscape of the BMW Group and derived measures for the targeted development of new cooperation opportunities.


Conducting a bibliometric analysis in five selected focus areas of the innovation strategy of BMW Group, to determine where early-stage research and pre-development activities are available worldwide and what potential this could offer for BMW.



  • Bibliometric analyses in the database SCOPUS of the data provider Elsevier (delimitation and analyses of trends within the focus fields)
  • Creation of geographic heat maps: Determination of the longitude and latitude of the respective publishing organization based on address information and aggregated representation of geographic hotspots
  • Analysis of co-publications based on social network analysis (SNA)


Based on the analyses, we created content-related and geographical heat maps which can be further used by BMW group to (a) update and focus the innovation landscape of the company, (b) derive relevant innovation, and (c) establish new cooperation partnerships.





BMW Group