
i³-Food − New treatments for better food

i³-Food is an European project, which main objective is the implementation of 3 innovative food processing technologies, assuring the validation of optimum process control under industrial conditions. These technologies are:

  • Pulsed Electric Field preservation of liquid food products (e.g. fruit juices or smoothies).
  • High pressure thermal sterilization for ready-to-eat-meals.
  • Low shear extrusion of cold food products (ice cream).

The i³-Food project will achieve an optimum process control, leading to application of these technologies under real life operating conditions. This will be done by demonstrating and piloting in a near to operational environment of applicable validation systems for each technology. We will define a scientific and cutting edge strategy for overcoming the market barriers ensuring a fast and wide market uptake. Finally, our multidisciplinary endeavor will connect and amplify the EU strengths in advanced technologies research.


03/2015 − 02/2018


European Commission


DIL (project coordination)
