Realtime Delphi survey on the future of African-European relations
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) and Fraunhofer ISI are conducting a Delphi study on the “Future of African-European Relations”. The background is that 2020 will be a decisive year for the relations between the two continents, whether with regard to the negotiations on the Post-Cotonou Partnership Agreement, the 6th EU-AU Summit or the new EU-Africa Strategy. During its EU Presidency, Germany will also place great emphasis on African-European relations.
In this context, 30-40 interviews were conducted on the following questions:
- the main long-term issues that could determine future relations,
- opportunities and risks,
- possible blind spots, and
- a vision for the future of African-European relations.
Based on the interviews, hypotheses were developed for the design of a Realtime Delphi (RTD) survey, which was conducted online in April 2020. The results of the online survey will be published in summer 2020.