- Report published on the multi-stakeholder roadmapping process for decarbonizing the steel and cement industry moderated by CC Foresight
- ISI policy brief on circadian rhythms and technology published
- Successful conclusion of the European FOX project on future business models in food processing
- Start of the FLOW workshops: exploring future human-water relations with speculative futures
- Elna Schirrmeister discusses the BWI scenario process in a Tagesspiegel background interview
- Five scenarios for China's future: MERICS study with methodological guidance from Fraunhofer ISI published
- »Alternative Futures of EU Integration after the Covid-19 pandemic« published in cooperation with CEPS
- Article published in Futures: »The potential of futures literacy for impact-oriented business schools«
- Kickoff-Meeting of the EU project SOLO
- Asylum Scenarios 2032 published together with the European Union Agency for Asylum
- Podcast »Neugefragt« by Katrina Günther, Lilith Boettcher, Wenzel Mehnert and Bernd Hopfengärtner on the speculative future narratives explored during the Berlin Science Week
- A journey into different futures at the Berlin Science Week on 07.11.22
- Project for Münsterland e.V. completed and reports on 5 think tanks available now
- New publication: Future agricultural systems and the role of digitalization for achieving sustainability goals. A review
- Article published in the European Journal of Futures Research: Setting life cycle assessment (LCA) in a future-oriented context: the combination of qualitative scenarios and LCA in the agri-food sector
- Dynamic Argumentative Delphi – a BOHEMIA project paper has been published in collaboration with our colleagues Kerstin Cuhls and Aaron Rosa.
- Project "Orientation towards the common good in the digital age: Transformation narratives between planetary boundaries and artificial intelligence" completed under the lead of the Competence Center Foresight.
- What do food systems need for their transformation? They need broad democratic directionality supported by responsible, pluralistic, collaborative, and open research, according to our colleague Kerstin Cuhls in a new Nature Food publication (Duncan et al. (2022): Democratic directionality for transformative food systems research).
- How will the pandemic change consumer behaviour? Jakob Edler gave the keynote speech at the European Consumer Summit on Feb 10 and presented the results of a foresight study carried out by our colleagues from CC Foresight.
- Our contribution to the debate on the impact gap in the sustainability transition: Rosa et al. (2021) Participatory foresight and reflexive innovation: setting policy goals and developing strategies in a bottom-up, mission-oriented, sustainable way
- Together with the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and representatives from business and politics, Elna Schirrmeister and Ralph Gutknecht developed five scenarios on the question of what the future of globalization might look like.
- Several colleagues from the Comeptence Center Foresight presented their research results at the Eu-SPRI conference 2021.
- Presentation of the 5th SCAR Foresight Report "Resilience and transformation" at the 5th SCAR Foresight Conference on 15. December
- The Comptence Center Foresight participated in the UNESCO High-Level Futures Literacy Summit with its own booth from December 8-12.
- WIRtschaften 2040: Wachstum, Wohlstand und Teilhabe nach Corona – wie wollen wir in 20 Jahren leben und arbeiten?
- Press Release: More local food supply or rather renouncement of consumption? Four agribusiness scenarios in 2035 show the future of food value creation - and how agriculture can help to shape it
- Publication of the BioKompass-App for the exhibition at Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt
- Brochure project "FOX" published
- New project: “Environmental research and governance in the digital age“ commissioned by the Federal Environmental Agency of Germany, UBA. The Competence Center Foresight leads this horizon scanning project.
- Radical Innovation Breakthrough Inquirer (RIBRI) published.
- Radio interview with Dr. Kerstin Cuhls on January 22nd, 2019 about future research/foresight in the program "IQ – Wissenschaft und Forschung" on Bayern 2
- Symposium for NISTEP’s 30th Anniversary on November 1, 2018, in Tokyo, Japan – Presentation by Dr. Kerstin Cuhls: "Foresight and Horizon Scanning for Science and Technology in the EU context"
- Project "Time rebound, time prosperity, and sustainable consumption (ReZeitKon)" started on September 1st, 2018
- New directions for involving citizens in research and innovation agendas
- 8th CIMULACT Newsletter published
- FTA Conference "Future in the Making" – On June 4th and 5th, in Brussels, Belgium, Dr. Kerstin Cuhls and Dr. Aaron Rosa will present the results of the projects BOHEMIA, CIMULACT, OBSERVE, and RIBRI.
- Final i³-Food Roadmaps now online
- Paper on stakeholder-based visioning for responsible research and innovation presented at the Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2017 in Vienna, Austria
- New publication: BMBF-Foresight-Zyklus II – Vorgehensweise und Ergebnisse. In Zeitschrift für Zukunftsforschung 5 (1), pp. 42–56.
- CIMULACT Project: Research Topics for Horizon 2020 that were co-created with more than 5000 Citizens finalised and handed over to EC within Pan-European Conference
- In cooperation with the Fraunhofer ISI, the Bertelsmann Stiftung carried out the study "China 2030. Szenarien und Strategien für Deutschland". In addition to the study, the Bertelsmann Stiftung provides an online tool.
- 3rd CIMULACT Newsletter published
- 2nd CIMULACT Newsletter published
- Report on Finland's conference Tackling Wicked Problems
- World Conference of Futures Research 2015: Futures Studies Tackling Wicked Problems: Where Futures Research, Education and Action Meet. 11–12 June 2015, Turku, Finland. Keynote Speech on “THE POTENTIAL AND LIMITS OF FORESIGHT/ FUTURES RESEARCH” by Kerstin Cuhls.