Dr. Aline Scherrer


Since October 2018, Aline Scherrer has been working as a research associate in the business unit Actors and Acceptance in the Transformation of the Energy System of the Competence Center Energy Policy and Energy Markets. 

Her work focuses on social science topics related to transport and energy technologies. A particular focus of her work is on electric mobility and synthetic fuels in both passenger and freight transport. Her work mainly addresses the interface between acceptance, transition and innovation research using quantitative as well as qualitative methods of empirical social research.

Aline Scherrer studied Liberal Arts and Sciences (BA) with a Major in Governance at the University College of the University of Freiburg. In 2018, she graduated from her subsequent Master's degree in Sustainable Development (MSc) at Utrecht University, with a focus on Earth System Governance. In 2023, she completed her doctorate at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of the University of Sussex on transition strategies in the decarbonisation of road freight transport.