Sabine Pelka M. Sc.


Sabine Pelka (M. Sc.) studied Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management at the Technical University Delft (NL) and Comillas Pontifical University (ESP) with the track specialization on the energy sector. The design and evaluation of interventions in socio-technical systems, as the energy sector, constitutes the core of her studies. She applied these competencies e.g. for her master thesis about the impact of extreme weather conditions on the energy sector in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center. Before her master studies, she worked for three year for EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG at the department of energy economics and policy. Thereby, she evaluated the market environment and developments in a qualitative and quantitative way for the annual group wide strategy process. Furthermore, she managed the internal positioning process for relevant political topics, conveyed the results in form of policy briefings and at association work on the national and EU-wide level. She focused especially on new energy services, smart meter and smart grid topics. Since September 2018, scientific researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research at the Department of Energy Technology and Energy Systems.