The project ‘Scientific Analyses of Industrial Transformation – WinIt’ addresses scientific questions on the industrial transformation towards a climate-neutral and resilient economy. The project covers the entire spectrum of this topic. Questions regarding the industrial transformation in Germany and beyond are formulated with a view to the EU's energy and climate policy instruments and addressed using scientific methods throughout the project.
The background to the project is the very dynamic policy background of recent years, particularly since 2019, as well as increasing uncertainties regarding the future economic structure, value chains and global division of labour: while the necessity of transformation in industry towards a climate-neutral economy remains, a geopolitically situation increasingly determined by conflicts brings with it considerable uncertainties that also affect the energy system and the transformation of industry. Furthermore, the transformation of industry is also complex with regard to the technological options and pathways that could and should be used. Some of these technical pathways are complementary, while others are in competition with each other.
These multiple complexities require a broad and comprehensive and scientifically sound analysis of the numerous issues of industrial transformation. The research project is intended to enable research that addresses these issues.