The overarching objective and challenge of the EU’s climate and energy policy is the transition to a net-zero emission society. The EU countries have agreed on 2030 climate and energy targets (greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency, renewables) to achieve the transformation to a low carbon energy economy (see 2050 long-term strategy). Renewable energies and energy efficiency are key for this transition. In both area the EU has to intensify its efforts for a transition to net-zero emissions society. As H&C accounts for about 50% in energy consumption and as the non-ETS contributions are supposed to decrease by 30% until 2030, special efforts are needed there. Given the current energy and climate policies, the targets and overarching objectives, and the uncertain or insufficient target achievement the question arises: What are drivers and barriers of the H&C sector towards a low carbon sector?
To achieve the decarbonisation of the H&C sector, solutions at the individual, system and macro-level are necessary. In this project, the focus lies on identifying the regulatory, economic and individual conditions that characterise the H&C market. A particular attention is put on district heating and heat pump solutions. With regard to policy instruments, a specific focus is directed at energy efficiency obligations schemes (EEOSs), which are the preferred instrument to fulfil the obligations under Article 7 EED.
The objective of this study is to identify factors, regulations and instruments that promote the use of efficient and renewable technologies, and thus the transition of the energy system to a low-carbon energy system. In detail, this includes:
The project encompasses five Tasks:
DG ENER, European Commission