

Monitoring EU Energy Efficiency First Principle and Policy Implementation


The ODYSSEE-MURE project aims at supporting policy makers in EU Member States to fulfil their obligations in the framework of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). In particular, it provides user-friendly databases and web-tools for monitoring and evaluating the impact of energy efficiency policies. The ODYSSEE database and facilities contain and analyse latest available energy consumption and energy efficiency indicators by sector, end-use in households and services, by mode in transport. The MURE database and facilities contain and analyse energy efficiency policies and measures by sector. These tools have been conceived in the past and will be extended by an experienced team comprising national energy efficiency agencies from 28 EU Member States (plus Norway, Switzerland and Serbia), and a strong Technical Coordination (ADEME, ENERDATA, Fraunhofer ISI). Future inclusion of Balkan countries will be prepared under this project.